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  1. Guerra dos Trinta Anos: Albrecht von Wallenstein. Nascido em Heømanice, Boêmia , em 24 de setembro de 1583, Albrecht von Wallenstein era filho de uma família nobre menor. Inicialmente criado como protestante por seus pais, ele foi enviado para uma escola jesuíta em Olmütz por seu tio após a morte deles. Enquanto em Olmütz, ele professou ...

  2. Autres informations. Albert-Venceslas Eusèbe von Wallenstein ou Waldstein (en allemand Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein et en tchèque Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna ), né le 24 septembre 1583 à Hermanitz sur l'Elbe et mort le 25 février 1634 à Eger, est un homme de guerre de la noblesse bohémienne ; il a été le plus ...

  3. Albrecht von Wallenstein - Bohemian War, Assassination, Legacy: From the emperor’s viewpoint, Wallenstein now became a rebel and a traitor. He quartered his army in Habsburg territory (Bohemia, Silesia, Austria); he did not move when the Swedes, having overrun Alsace, Franconia, Swabia, and Bavaria, crowned their success with the capture of the key fortress of Regensburg (November 1633); and ...

  4. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein, duke von Friedland, later Duke von Mecklenburg, (born Sept. 24, 1583, Heřmanice, Bohemia—died Feb. 25, 1634, Eger), Austrian general. A noble of Bohemia, he served with the future Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II in the campaign against Venice in 1617.

  5. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein, Duce de Friedland și Mecklenburg, Prinț de Sagan, mai cunoscut sub numele de Wallenstein, (n. 24 septembrie 1583 , Hermanitz pe Elba, Böhmen , azi ( Boemia ): Heřmanice nad Labem , Cehia ; d.

  6. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein ali češko Albrecht Václav Eusebius z Valdštejna, češki vojskovodja in politik, * 24. september 1583, Heřmanice na severu Češke, † 25. februar 1634, Cheb na skrajnem zahodu Češke. V tridesetletni vojni se je bojeval na strani katoličanov in cesarja. V dveh obdobjih (1625-30 in 1632-34) je ...

  7. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein, also von Waldstein, was a Bohemian military leader and statesman who fought on the Catholic side during the Thirty Years' War. His successful martial career made him one of the richest and most influential men in the Holy Roman Empire by the time of his death.