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  1. Kristina Nilsdotter de Fogelvik, heredera de Tullgarn, que posteriormente sería conocida como Kristina Gyllenstierna (en vida se la llamaba "Fru Kristina") (1494-1559), fue la esposa de Sten Sture el Joven, Regente de Suecia, y tras su muerte ella misma se convirtió en Regente y organizadora de la defensa y resistencia contra Dinamarca.

  2. Eit utval personar med namnet Kristina, og som er omtalt i Store norske leksikon: Kristina Håkonsdatter (1234–1262) Kristina Gyllenstierna (1494–1559) Kristina (svensk dronning) (1573–1625) Kristina Augusta (1626–1689) Kristina Aronson (1892–1956) Kristina Lugn (1948–2020) Kristina Landsverk (1952) Kristina Gjems (1960)

  3. 29 de mar. de 2022 · Kristina Nilsdotter Gyllenstierna levde i gränslandet mellan medeltiden och den tidigmoderna tiden och fick ta över styret av Sverige under en av landets mörkaste perioder. Hon var gift med den svenske riksföreståndaren Sten Sture d.y. När kriget kom och maken dog var det upp till henne att ta över ansvaret för rikets försvar.

  4. Kristina Gyllenstierna was the aunt of the man who would defeat the Danish and in 1523 become the king of Sweden, Gustav Vasa. The statue of her on the Royal Palace's outer court yard was made by Theodor Lundberg in 1912.

  5. 8 de mar. de 2018 · Kristina Gyllenstierna’s greatest contribution came through her brave defence of Stockholm castle in 1520 after her husband’s deah from battle wounds. Sigrid Eskilsdotter was widowed a second time in 1595 and this time she did not remarry.

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  7. In her very consultative approach she's creative in finding solutions, where business development is natural. Kristina strives to do everything in the right way even if it means more work for herself. She has a long experience of working internationally and is used to navigate in global organizations with both clients and employer, and her ...