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  1. Zeeman also detected the magnetic fields at the surface of the Sun. Pieter Zeeman [1] (pē´tər zā´män), 1865–1943, Dutch physicist. He was professor of physics at the Univ. of Amsterdam from 1900 and director of the Physical Institute, Amsterdam, from 1908. In 1896 he discovered the Zeeman effect [2]. He shared the 1902 Nobel Prize [3 ...

  2. Pieter Zeeman's bio, photos and Zeeman effect. (submitted by Joaquin Gomez) Autobiography in English (submitted by mr skin) Pieter Zeeman Biography (submitted by Shannon) extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena. (submitted by Ferdinant Hill) Pieter Zeeman Photo (submitted ...

  3. Pieter Zeeman is considered among the foremost physicists of his time and during his career he worked on a lot of concepts; however it was his work on spectral lines that came to be known as the ‘Zeeman Effect’ that is without doubt his greatest work. He shared the 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery.

  4. 14 de jun. de 2023 · Met jouw talent vooruit! Het Pieter Zeeman Lyceum heeft de volgende opleidingen voor voortgezet onderwijs in huis: praktijkonderwijs, vmbo basis/kader, gemengde leerweg, mavo, havo en vwo. We zijn een Cultuurprofielschool én hebben een Technasium afdeling. Leerlingen kunnen dan ook kiezen voor de vakken kunst & media én onderzoeken & ontwerpen.

  5. Pieter Zeeman (25 May 1865 – 9 October 1943) was a Dutch physicist. In 1902, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics together with Hendrik Lorentz for the discovery and theoretical explanation of the Zeeman effect .

  6. PIETER. (1865-1943) Né le 25 mai 1865 dans le petit village de Zonnemaire, sur l’île de Schouwen, en Zélande (Pays-Bas), Pieter Zeeman était le fils d’un pasteur protestant. Ses études à l’université de Leyde le firent côtoyer Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (Prix Nobel en 1913) et Hendrik Antoon Lorentz avec qui il partagera le prix Nobel ...

  7. 13 de may. de 2009 · Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943). La guinda del pastel la puso un antiguo alumno del propio Lorentz, Pieter Zeeman. Éste, aunque no tenía los problemas matemáticos de Faraday, era mejor experimentador que teórico –muy pocos físicos, como Enrico Fermi, tienen cualidades excepcionales en ambas