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  1. 17 de may. de 2018 · Prout was much influenced by Humphry Davy ’s speculations on “undecompounded bodies” (1812) and by Dalton’s atomic theory as modified by Berzelius. He hoped to develop a “mathematical” chemistry analogous, perhaps, to the scheme expressed tentatively by Thomas Thomson in his First Principles (1825).

  2. Prout se narodil v Hortonu v hrabství Gloucestershire v roce 1785. V 17 letech věku získal kněžské vzdělání, následně studoval na Redland Academy v Bristolu a Edinburské univerzitě, kde v roce 1811 získal magistra medicíny. [2] Profesní život strávil jako praktický lékař v Londýně, ale také se zabýval chemickým výzkumem.

  3. THE LIFE AND WORK OF WILLIAM PROUT. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 August 2012. W. H. Brock. Article. Metrics. Rights & Permissions.

  4. Históricamente, fue el médico inglés William Prout quien en 1827 reconoció formalmente la importancia de las materias grasas en la nutrición, además del ya aceptado rol de las proteínas y de los carbohidratos (1).

  5. William Prout. In the early 19th century, the discoveries of new substances in the healthy and diseased body spawned a search for chemical explanations for physiologic phenomena to guide medical diagnosis and control therapy. William Prout's work on the nature and treatment of diseases of the urinary organs establ ….

  6. William Prout De uma miniatura de Henry Wyndham Phillips, [Domínio Público] Prout melhorou o design do barômetro e a Royal Society de Londres adotou seu novo modelo como padrão nacional. Ele foi eleito membro desta instituição em 1819 e em 1831 ele proferiu a Conferência Goulstonian no Royal College of Physicians sobre a aplicação da química à medicina.

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