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  1. Bernhard Riemann. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (phát âm như "ri manh" hay IPA ['ri:man]; 17 tháng 9 năm 1826 – 20 tháng 7 năm 1866) là một nhà toán học người Đức, người đã có nhiều đóng góp quan trọng vào ngành giải tích toán học và hình học vi phân, xây dựng nền tảng cho việc phát ...

  2. 波恩哈德·黎曼(Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann,1826年9月17日—1866年7月20日),是德国著名的数学家,他在数学分析和微分几何方面作出过重要贡献,他开创了黎曼几何,并且给后来爱因斯坦的广义相对论提供了数学基础。1866年7月20日,他在第三次去意大利休养的途中因肺结核在塞拉斯卡去世。

  3. 1 de nov. de 2012 · Bernhard Riemann wird als zweites von sechs Kindern in Breselenz (nahe Dannenberg / Elbe) geboren; sein Vater übernimmt etwas später eine Stelle als Pfarrer in Quickborn. Bis zum Alter von 13 Jahren wird Bernhard vor allem von ihm unterrichtet; dann darf er zu seiner Großmutter nach Hannover ziehen, um dort ein Gymnasium zu besuchen.

  4. 8 de oct. de 2014 · Bernhard riemann. Este documento presenta información sobre el matemático alemán Bernhard Riemann y sus principales contribuciones a las matemáticas. Riemann desarrolló la geometría riemanniana, las superficies de Riemann, la integración de Riemann, la función zeta de Riemann, las variedades de Riemann y el tensor métrico. El documento ...

  5. Riemann, Bernhard (1826-1866) German mathematician who studied mathematics under Gauss and physics under Wilhelm Weber . Riemann did important work in geometry, complex analysis, and mathematical physics. He was also a friend of Dedekind, who was later Riemann's biographer. In his thesis, Riemann urged a global view of geometry as a study of ...

  6. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann was born in Breselenz, Germany, on September 17th 1826. He was the second of 6 children of a Protestant minister and received his elementary education from his father, later assisted by a local teacher. At Easter in 1840 he moved to Hannover, where he stayed with his grandmother to visit the Lyceum.

  7. GEORG FRIEDRICH BERNHARD RIEMANN. Nació el 17 de septiembre de 1826 en Breselenz, Hannover (Ahora Alemania) Falleció el 20 de julio de 1866 en Selasca, Italia. Bernhard Riemann fue hijo de un ministro protestante. Recibió la educación elemental de su padre y mostró talento para la aritmética a temprana edad.

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