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  1. Smithson Tennant (1761-1815), un médico inglés convertido en químico e ingeniero químico, publicó muy pocos artículos científicos pero ellos fueron suficientemente importantes para dejar una marca en ciencia y tecnología. Tennant demostró que el diamante es una forma alotrópica pura del carbón, estableció la composición correcta ...

  2. 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) - テナント(Smithson Tennant)の用語解説 - イギリスの化学者。ヨークシャーのセルビイに生まれる。エジンバラ、ケンブリッジの両大学で医学を学ぶ。ケンブリッジ大学化学教授(1813)。ダイヤモンドと木炭の燃焼から生じる炭酸ガス量を比較し、両者の化学的同一 ...

  3. Smithson Tennant, FRS, (30 de novembre de 1761, Selby, North Yorkshire, Anglaterra – 22 de febrer de 1815, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas de Calais, França ), [1] fou un químic anglès que descobrí l' iridi i l' osmi, i demostrà que el diamant està compost exclusivament per carboni .

  4. Two remarkable British chemists, William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828) and Smithson Tennant (1761-1815) discovered and isolated the metals in London, UK. They were firm friends and made an interesting pair. Wollaston was an energetic and brilliant scientist; although Tennant was rather lazy he was just as bright as Wollaston in his own way.

  5. 23 de oct. de 2012 · The road to the title of heavyweight champion among the chemical elements began with the work of English chemist Smithson Tennant (1761–1815). Tennant obtained a medical degree, but after ...

  6. Smithson Tennant (November 30, 1761 - February 22, 1815) was an English chemist . Tennant is best known for his discovery of the elements iridium and osmium, which he found in the residues from the solution of platinum ores in 1803.

  7. On This Day – November 30 : English chemist Smithson Tennant was born on this day in 1761