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  1. PSL Research University is located in Paris, France and is featured in the best 1000 universities in the world, according to the most well-known international university rankings. Find out its position in each of these rankings or see what other universities made the ranking lists.

  2. Master's,This programme offers a unique curriculum in Europe. Building on thirty years of experience in interdisciplinary teaching, our programme draws on the broad resources of the Parisian scientific community. , Anthropology, Economics, Computer Science, Médecine, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Cognitive science, Engineering Science, Life Sciences, Social Science, Sociology ...

  3. › formation › choisir-sa-formationLicence | PSL

    Les licences de Dauphine - PSL. 3 parcours de formation au choix en L1 puis spécialisation en Licence 2 ou en Licence 3 (Au choix : gestion, économie appliquée, sciences sociales, droit, mathématiques appliquées, informatique des organisations, IA & sciences des organisations). En plus de Paris, des parcours sont également proposés à ...

  4. Key figures - Bachelor's degree. 4%. Selectivity rate. 85%. Success rate (3 years) 100%. Rate of continuation of studies. Bachelor's at PSL are selective and target high-potential students from all backgrounds. Our goal: your success.

  5. With 2,900 researchers, 17,000 students, 140 laboratories and 10 incubators, fab labs and co-working spaces, PSL is a comprehensive university which offers all the resources needed to thrive and succeed, with small-size groups, high teacher-to-student ratio and a strong involvment in research.

  6. › en › graduate-programsLife Sciences | PSL

    The Graduate Program offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in the life sciences. Through its association with PSL research laboratories, five Laboratories of Excellence (LabEx) and PSL’s Q-LIFE Institute, the graduate program offers Master’s degrees in which research ...

  7. 巴黎文理研究大学(法文:Université PSL;英文:Paris Sciences & Lettres-PSL University,简称PSL),坐落于法兰西共和国首都巴黎,法国卓越大学计划高校,是一所享誉世界的研究型大学。PSL起源于1200年建立的巴黎大学,后于2010年重组整合。1968年巴黎大学被拆散为13所大学(巴黎第1-13大学),PSL继承了巴黎 ...