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  1. Un aventurier en Afrique. L'aventurier Henry Stanley représente la face la plus sombre de la colonisation de l'Afrique. Immoral et dépourvu d'humanité, il a gagné la confiance de ses commanditaires, au premier rang desquels le roi des Belges Léopold II, grâce à ses talents de journaliste et de bonimenteur.

  2. 亨利·莫尔顿·斯坦利(Henry Morton Stanley,1841-1904)美国记者和探险家,以搜索戴维·利文斯通的事迹比利时国王利奥波德二世建立刚果殖民地而闻名的非洲“探险家”,是帝国主义侵略非洲的代理人和鹰犬。

  3. Wikipedia Article: Henry Morton Stanley; Works; Henry Morton Stanley, J. F. Packard, Stanley in the wilds of Africa: a complete record of the great explorations in the heart of the dark continent by Henry M. Stanley embracing how he found Livingstone (Cincinnati 1879) Henry Morton Stanley, My early travels and adventures in America and Asia ...

  4. Stanley was in 1885 genaturaliseerd tot Amerikaans staatsburger, maar werd in 1892 weer Brit. Hij was parlementslid van 1895 tot 1900 en werd in 1899 in de adelstand verheven met de titel "Sir Henry Morton Stanley, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath". Stanley stierf in Londen op 10 mei 1904 en ligt begraven in Pirbright, Surrey.

  5. Niet pochýb o tom, že Henry Morton Stanley veľkou mierou prispel k poznaniu africkej geografie a kultúry v západnom svete. A hoci bol vo svojej dobe kontroverzný, jeho sláva a knihy, ktoré vydal, priniesli pozornosť Afrike a urobili z prieskumu kontinentu fascinujúcu tému pre verejnosť 19. storočia.

  6. Stanley died at his home at 2 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London on 10 May 1904. At his funeral, he was eulogised by Daniel P. Virmar. His grave is in the churchyard of St Michael and All Angels' Church in Pirbright, Surrey, marked by a large piece of granite inscribed with the words "Henry Morton Stanley, Bula Matari, 1841–1904, Africa".

  7. Henry Morton Stanley foi um exemplo clássico de explorador do século 19, e ele é mais lembrado hoje por sua saudação brilhantemente casual a um homem que ele passou meses procurando nas selvas da África: “Dr. Livingstone, presumo? A realidade da vida incomum de Stanley às vezes é surpreendente. Ele nasceu em uma família muito pobre ...