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  1. 30 de mar. de 2024 · Proper noun [ edit] Camulodunum. Former name of Colchester (“a town in England, UK”) .. A city in Britannia, Roman Empire The name of Roman-era Colchester, and used to refer to the city of that era in English.

  2. Ratae is a latinate form of the Brittonic word for "ramparts" (cf. Gaelic rath ), suggesting the site was an Iron Age oppidum. This generic name was distinguished by "of the Corieltauvians ", the name of the Celtic tribe whose capital it served as under the Romans. The town was mistakenly known as Ratae Coritanorum in later records.

  3. La batalla de Camulodunum, coneguda també com la massacre de la Legió IX, va ser un dels enfrontaments que tingueren lloc durant la Revolta de Boudica liderada per Boudica, reina dels icens, contra l' ocupació romana de Britànnia. En un intent de socórrer la colònia de Camulodunum ( Colchester, Essex ), assetjada pels rebels, la Legió IX ...

  4. Camulodunum ist der lateinische Name von Colchester, der ältesten römischen Stadt in Britannien. Camulodunum war zunächst Hauptort des keltischen Stammes der Trinovanten . Nach der Eroberung Britanniens durch die Römer wurde der Ort Hauptstadt der neuen Provinz und römische Kolonie, verlor diese Rolle jedoch schon früh an Londinium .

  5. Boudica. por John Opies, 1793. Boudica fue una reina guerrera de los icenos, que acaudilló a varias tribus britanas, incluyendo a sus vecinos los trinovantes, durante el mayor levantamiento en Britania contra la ocupación romana, entre los años 60 del siglo I, durante el reinado del emperador Nerón.

  6. This is a list of cities in Great Britain during the period of Roman occupation from 43 AD to the 5th century. Roman cities were known as civitas in Latin. They were mostly fortified settlements where native tribal peoples lived, governed by the Roman officials. The majority of the cities ( civitates) listed are either former Iron Age tribal ...

  7. Boudica and The Slaughter at Camulodunum. Camulodunum (Colchester) was the capital of Roman Britain, and the site of the first battle of the Iceni rebellion, led by Boudica. What happened at Camulodunum deserves special mention as it was not simply a battle, but a systematic slaughter of every Roman who lived there…. Terry Stewart. 8 min read.