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  1. Za vrijeme Napoleona ( 1799. – 1814.) građevina je ponovno posvećena kao katolička crkva i kao takva služila je i za kralja Luja-Filipa ( 1830. – 1834.) i Napoleona III. ( 1852. – 1870. ). Nakon toga proglašena je neopredijeljenim hramom – Panthéon . Godine 1851. zgrada je korištena kao laboratorij za fiziku, gdje je fizičar ...

  2. Initially designed for 200 students and 3 professors, the building now houses, equally, the art history and archeology departments of the two universities of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sorbonne University (formerly Paris IV), several thousand students and nearly 150 tenured teacher-researchers.Property of the State, the Institute of Art and Archeology is assigned, by ministerial decree of ...

  3. The name Panthéon-Assas is a reference to the main addresses of the pre-1968 Faculty of Law of Paris, which are now part of the university; namely, the buildings on Place du Panthéon and Rue d'Assas. [15] The university is also referred to as 'Assas' or 'Paris II,' 'Sorbonne-Assas' and ' Sorbonne Law School '.

  4. Sur la montagne Sainte-Geneviève à Paris, visitez le Panthéon, chef-d'œuvre de l'architecte Soufflot. Entrez dans la nef, rendez visite aux grands hommes dans la crypte et accédez à la plus belle vue de Paris du haut de la colonnade.

  5. パンテオン ( 仏: Le Panthéon [1] )は、 フランス の パリ の 5区 、 聖ジュヌヴィエーヴの丘 に位置し、幅110メートル、奥行き84メートルの ギリシア十字 型の平面に大 ドーム と コリント式 の円柱を持つ 新古典主義建築 の建築作品である。. 18世紀後半に ...

  6. Hace 1 día · Enjoy unlimited access to the Pantheon! The Passion Monuments card opens the doors to more than 80 monuments throughout France. A must for heritage lovers. On Mont Sainte-Geneviève in Paris, visit the Panthéon, a masterpiece by the architect Soufflot. Enter the nave, visit the great men in the crypt and enjoy the best view of Paris from the ...

  7. Le Panthéon est un monument éclectique, c'est-à-dire qu'il emprunte de nombreux éléments de sa structure et de sa décoration aux styles d'architecture des civilisations passées. Le Panthéon, haut de 83 mètres, a la forme d'une croix grecque . Les trois coupoles imbriquées trouvent principalement leur origine dans l' architecture ...