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  1. Zawód, zajęcie. filozof. Narodowość. niemiecka. Rodzice. Paul Johann Anselm von Feuerbach (ojciec) Krewni i powinowaci. Karl Wilhelm Feuerbach (brat) Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach (ur. 28 lipca 1804 w Landshut, zm. 13 września 1872 w Rechenbergu, obecnie Norymberga) – niemiecki filozof.

  2. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach First published Mon Dec 9, 2013; substantive revision Thu Nov 17, 2016 For a number of years in the mid-nineteenth century Ludwig Feuerbach (1804–1872) played an important role in the history of post-Hegelian German philosophy, and in the transition from idealism to various forms of naturalism, materialism and positivism that is one of the most notable developments ...

  3. Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas. Filósofo alemán, nacido en Landshut (Baviera), comenzó estudiando teología en Heidelberg, pero fue convencido por Hegel a optar por la filosofía. Tras conseguir el doctorado en filosofía, paso a ejercer como docente en la Universidad de Heidelberg, actividad que abandonó a los dos años.

  4. Ludwig Feuerbach, one of the critical Young Hegelian intellectuals of the nineteenth century, has become famous for his radical critique of religious belief. In Das Wesen des Christentums (Essence of Christianity) (1841) he develops the idea that God does not exist in reality but as a human projection only, and that the Christian principles of ...

  5. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach was born into a scholarly family, his father having been a jurist and professor of criminal law at the Bavarian University of Landshut. Raised in Munich, Feuerbach started off studying theology at Heidelberg, but subsequently switched to philosophy and transferred to the University of Berlin, where he came under the spell of the philosopher G.F.W. Hegel .

  6. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, filsuf, teolog, dan moralis Jerman, lahir di Landshut, Bavaria. Ia belajar teologi di Heidelberg dan Berlin dan kemudian, pada tahun 1825, di bawah pengaruh G.W.F.Hegel, dipindahkan ke fakultas filsafat. Ia menerima gelar doktor pada tahun 1828 di Erlangen, di mana ia tetap mengajar sebagai pemandu wisata sampai tahun ...

  7. 28. Juli: Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach wird in Landshut als vierter Sohn des Strafrechtlers Paul Johann Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach geboren. 1817. Feuerbach besucht das Ansbacher Gymnasium. 1823. Der Student Feuerbach hört zwei Semester Theologie in Heidelberg bei dem Hegelianer Daub. 1824. Feuerbach studiert in Berlin bei Hegel. 1825.