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  1. 14 de mar. de 2023 · The Hohenzollern dynasty is a European royal family that originated in Germany. While today no Hohenzollern leader rules a country, previously this dynasty ruled over a variety of states and used ...

  2. The Hohenzollern family crypt contained a total of 94 burials spanning from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century, and documents 500 years of Brandenburg-Prussian grave culture with the stately sarcophagi and the burial monuments situated in the Sermon Church. All artistic epochs since the late Gothic period can be ...

  3. El castillo de Hohenzollern (del alemán: Burg Hohenzollern) es un castillo situado 50 kilómetros al sur de Stuttgart vinculado a los orígenes de la Dinastía Hohenzollern, familia que llegó al poder durante la Edad Media y gobernó Prusia y Brandeburgo hasta el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial .

  4. Die nachfolgende Stammliste der Hohenzollern erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Es wurde jedoch versucht, ...

  5. The Hohenzollern Castle, the ancestral seat of the family dynasty, is situated at the periphery of the Swabian Alb. It is no museum in its traditional sense but a historic as well as a distinct lively place which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world all year round. Besides essential parts of our art collection ...

  6. 18 de ago. de 2020 · Abstract. Hitler needed the support of the Hohenzollern family on a national and an international level. While the national level has been researched in some detail, we do not have much information about the international aspect. This article shows what foreign connections the Hohenzollerns had and why they made them available to Hitler.

  7. Casato di Hohenzollern. Inquartato di nero e d'argento. La Casata degli Hohenzollern è una dinastia reale di origine tedesca che nel corso della storia ha detenuto i titoli di principi elettori, re di Prussia, sovrani di Romania e imperatori tedeschi. La famiglia usa il motto Nihil sine Deo (Nulla senza Dio).