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  1. I am Frederick II of Prussia, also known as Frederick the Great. I am a military strategist, a patron of the arts, and an advocate for religious tolerance. Ask me about my victories on the battlefield and my contributions to intellectual and cultural life in Prussia.

  2. 18 de may. de 2018 · Frederick II >Frederick II (1712-1786), or Frederick the Great [1], was king of Prussia >from 1740 to 1786. He combined the qualities of a warrior king with those of >an enlightened despot.

  3. 13 de jun. de 2008 · Friedrich of Brandenburg-Hohenzollern, who came by course of natural succession to be Friedrich II. of Prussia, and is known in these ages as Frederick the Great, was born in the palace of Berlin, about noon, on the 24th of January, 1712.

  4. Frederick II was Prussia's third and longest reigning king. His lifetime (1712-86) saw the kingdom rise from a third-rank state to one of Europe's five 'great powers' alongside Britain, France, Russia, and Austria.

  5. During the early years of Frederick's reign the Jews were left in comparative peace under the law of 1730. Soon after Frederick had made a treaty of peace with Maria Theresa of Austria, he proceeded to issue a series of anti-Jewish edicts. His policy was to maintain the proportion between Jews and Christians in Prussia at a definite, fixed ratio.

  6. 16 de oct. de 2019 · Nascido em 1712, Frederico Guilherme II, conhecido como Frederico, o Grande, foi o terceiro rei Hohenzollern da Prússia. Embora a Prússia tenha sido uma parte influente e importante do Sacro Império Romano durante séculos, sob o governo de Frederico o pequeno reino alcançou o status de Grande Potência Européia e teve um efeito duradouro na política européia em geral e na Alemanha ...

  7. Just like Catherine II, he recognized the educational skills the Jesuits had as an asset for the nation and was interested in attracting a diversity of skills to his country, whether from Jesuit teachers, Huguenot citizens, or Jewish merchants and bankers. As Frederick made more wasteland arable, Prussia looked for new colonists to settle the land.