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  1. 1 de jun. de 2020 · In the light of evidence we could reconstruct the planning, construction and function of the second millennium BCE Shimao gate as follows: 1) Rational planning. The terraced site was prepared and the outline of the gate mapped out using a grid unit of approximately 13.5 × 10 m. Evidence points to the gate having been planned and built as a ...

  2. Pottery today may not seem particularly interesting or important, but in the second millennium BCE, it was a high art form and its manufacture was often closely associated with centers of power. Much like the production of porcelain for European royal houses in the 18th century, the production of pottery on Crete tells us about elite tastes, how the powerful met and shared meals, and with whom ...

  3. 28 de jun. de 2017 · Abstract In this article, we focus on the analysis of dyed textile fragments uncovered at an early Iron Age (11th-10th centuries BCE) copper smelting site during new excavations in the Timna Valley conducted by the Central Timna Valley (CTV) Project, as well as those found by the Arabah Expedition at the Hathor Temple (Site 200), dated to the Late Bronze/early Iron Ages (13th-11th centuries ...

  4. THE MEGALITHIC TOMBS – 3rd/EARLY 2nd MILLENNIUM BCE | Valle d'Aosta Heritage | Castelli, siti archeologici e Musei | In the first half of the 3rd millennium BCE the area was used for a new purpose, with the construction of megalithic funerary monuments and platforms

  5. Both models envisage a transmission of copper-base metallurgy from outside MSEA: the first one, argues for a direct importation – of either the technology or of the actual metalworkers - from Inner Asia (IA) c. 2000 BCE, while the second hypothesizes a southward dispersal in the late 2nd millennium BCE, from the copper-rich regions of the mid-Yangtze valley via Lingnan.

  6. 12 de nov. de 2021 · Glimpses of the History of Design — Back-tracking to the 2nd Millennium BCE Yes, I’ve finished the four paintings highlighted below · 3 min read · Oct 11, 2021

  7. 21 de oct. de 2022 · Judaism is thought to have originated in the late 2nd millennium BCE, around the time when the Sumerian culture was at its peak. The earliest evidence of Judaism comes from the 8th century BCE, in the form of inscriptions on stone and clay tablets found in the ancient city of Arad in Israel.