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  1. The Apor Palace is located in the town of Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) in Transylvania / Romania. This page presents the brief history of this sight of the town with picture and other useful information for visitors.

  2. 5 de ago. de 2017 · Cetatea Alba Iulia este o fortificație barocă masivă construită în secolul al XVIII-lea, una dintre cele mai mari din Europa de Est.

  3. › egradiva › M2 - 8 razredForrás -

  4. History. Next to the cathedral stands the former 15th century palace of the princes of Transylvania and the bishop's palace. The Diocese of Transylvania, founded by King St Stephen I of Hungary in 1009, was renamed the Bishopric of Gyulafehervár in 1932 under pressure from the occupying Romanian authorities, and became an archdiocese in 1991.

  5. Mai román neve, Alba Iulia a magyar név fordítása, ahol a Gyula előtagot személynévként értelmezték. Az erdélyi Zombor gyula (Szent István anyai nagyapja) Bizáncban keresztelkedett meg, és Erdélyben elsőként itt épült ortodox templom. Ezt a Bizáncból érkezett Hierotheosz használta, mint "Turkia püspöke".

  6. Sights and history of the town of Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia) in Transylvania / Romania. Town map with the sights marked and nearly all of them with picture and a brief description.

  7. Várak, várkastélyok, erődök, erődtemplomok Románia, Erdély területén. (Castles in Romania, Transylvania)