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  1. Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg was chancellor of Germany before and during World War I. He worked to avoid war but proved unable to stem the tide of German militarism. Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg was born on November 29, 1856, in Hohenfinow, Prussia (Germany). He studied law before entering government service.

  2. Bethmann Hollweg was a German lawyer, civil servant and politician. He was linked to the liberal Progressive People's Party and was appointed to the office of German Imperial Chancellor by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1909. At the time of the July Crisis of 1914, he insisted on the German Empire’s loyalty to its alliance with Austria-Hungary.

  3. 226 Bethmann Hollweg Revisited the chancellor's attempt to reach a naval agreement with England as an effort to break up the Entente, and sees his championship of "economic and cultural activity" as a hegemonial expansionism. Since the book's interpretative schema revolves around the struggle of Junker

  4. Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg. A fascinating new document, the diary of his personal adlatus in the Wilhelmstrasse, Kurt Riezler, offers fresh perspectives on the motives of Bethmann’s policies in the July crisis.10 Scion of a family of prominent South German scholars, Riezler worked as a free-lance writer after

  5. one of Bethmann Hollweg's closest advisers soon after the latter became chancellor in 1909. Shortly before the outbreak ofthe First World War Riezler, using the pseudonym J. J. Ruedorffer, wrote a widely-read book, Grundziige der Weltpolitik in der Gegenwart (Stuttgart, 1914), strongly supporting the chancellor's foreign policy. Riezler argued that

  6. Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von. (1856-1921). Born, Howenfinow, Brandenburg. Imperial German Chancellor from 1909 to 1917. Bethmann was a moderate and able politician, whose strength was in forging coalitions and finding acceptable compromises. He served as Prussian minister for the Interior until 1907, and state secretary in the Imperial Office ...

  7. Jarausch, Konrad, The Enigmatic Chancellor: Bethmann Hollweg and the Hubris of Imperial Germany, New Haven/London 1973. Wollstein, Günter, Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg. Letzter Erbe Bismarcks, erstes Opfer der Dolchstoßlegende, Göttingen/Zürich 1995. Externa länkar. Biografi över Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg