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  1. 14 de jun. de 2024 · The International Military Court at Nuremberg, Germany convenes for the opening day of the trial for the major Nazi war criminals. The accused are seen on the lower right hand side. The press ...

  2. Hace 2 días · Von Ribbentrop birodalmi külügyminiszternek – egy évvel dr. Sorge letartóztatása után – mégiscsak vissza kellett rendelnie Ottot, mert minden tekintélyét elveszítette Japánban. 1942. november 23-án aztán Ott sápadtan olvasta a Berlinből érkezett 1462. számú távirati közleményt, amelyben Joachim von Ribbentrop birodalmi külügyminiszter félreérthetetlenül rendelkezett:

  3. Hace 4 días · Foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop commissioned the German Embassy in Moscow with the assessment of and the report on the likelihood of Soviet intentions for a Red Army invasion into Poland. On 4 September 1939 all German navy units in the northern Atlantic Ocean received order "to follow to Murmansk, via the northernmost course".

  4. 7 de jun. de 2024 · Además de series y películas en donde la ficción es la gran protagonista, el catálogo de Netflix ofrece alternativas para aquellos usuarios que prefieren producciones documentales sobre impactantes hechos reales. Así, el pasado 5 de junio del 2024, la plataforma estrenó una miniserie sobre el ...

  5. In 1939, Fish flew on Nazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop’s private plane and declared that Nazi territorial claims were “just.” Upon his return from Germany in 1938, Edward R. Burke reversed his previous stance of opposition to Nazism and said in awe, “In the things Hitler actually is doing to bring about the well-being of the entire German people, I think that he is greater ...

  6. In 1939, Fish flew on Nazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop’s private plane and declared that Nazi territorial claims were “just.” Upon his return from Germany in 1938, Edward R. Burke reversed his previous stance of opposition to Nazism and said in awe, “In the things Hitler actually is doing to bring about the well-being of the entire German people, I think that he is greater ...