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  1. › es › Raw_DealRaw Deal - Wikiwand

    Raw Deal es una película estadounidense de 1986 dirigida por John Irvin. Trata sobre un agente del FBI que quiere vengarse de una organización mafiosa y envía para ello a un antiguo agente que deberá infiltrarse en ella y destruirla desde el interior.

  2. Raw Deal. Dismissed some time ago from the FBI, Mark Kaminsky is contacted by his old boss, Shannon, whose son has been murdered. Determined to find the assassin, Shannon needs Kaminsky's help and offers to re-instate him if he is successful. Kaminsky assumes a new identity and moves to Chicago where he ingratiates himself with the underworld.

  3. › detail › Raw-DealPrime Video: Raw Deal

    Raw Deal Determined to find the assassin, Shannon needs Kaminsky's help and offers to re-instate him if he is successful. Kaminsky assumes a new identity and moves to Chicago where he ingratiates himself with the underworld.

  4. 1986 erschienen die US-Amerikanischenwerke „Raw Deal“ mit Arnold Schwarzenegger und „Cobra“ mit Silvester Stallone. Wer auch immer, und vielleicht unter Alkoholeinfluss, dem erstgenannten den deutschen Titel „Der City-Hai“, sowie dem zweitgenannten „Die City-Kobra“, verpasste, zeigte uns eine Glanzleistung von Originalität.

  5. Raw Dealの意味や使い方 音節ràw déal名詞((a ~))((口))ひどい扱い,不公平な扱い - 約624万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。 発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。

  6. Le Contrat (Raw Deal) est un film américain réalisé par John Irvin, sorti en 1986.. Ce film policier d'action raconte l'histoire d'un ancien agent du FBI, incarné par Arnold Schwarzenegger, devenu shérif d'une petite ville après avoir été renvoyé de l'agence à la suite d'une bavure, qui est chargé par son ancien supérieur d'infiltrer une organisation mafieuse de Chicago responsable ...

  7. The ruthless 80s action classic RAW DEAL starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (Total Recall, Red Heat). Dishonoured and forcibly retired from the FBI on grounds of excessive brutality, Mark Kaminski (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is demoted to being a Sheriff in a small town, where his wife heads straight for the bottle and his career goes nowhere. However, when the son of an old friend, Agent Harry ...