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  1. 5 de oct. de 2021 · Robert E. Lee, un mito americano con doble filo. Nacido en 1807, era el cuarto hijo de Henry «Lighthorse Harry» Lee, uno de los héroes de la Guerra de la Independencia y, en consecuencia, no ...

  2. 7 de oct. de 2020 · 2d. The remarkable story of how a teenage runner battled the legacy of Robert E. Lee. Trude Lamb, 16, was the fastest girl on the cross country team last season at Robert E. Lee High School in ...

  3. 7 de sept. de 2021 · Robert E. Lee in maart 1864. Tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog boekte Robert E. Lee als generaal van de zuidelijke Geconfedereerde Staten van Amerika enkele grote overwinningen op de noordelijke legers. Het was mede aan hem te danken dat de zuidelijke regering jarenlang standhield tegen de strijdkrachten van de Unie.

  4. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Robert E. Lee had famously rejected the command of the Federal forces recruited to defend D.C. He instead opted for the rank of general in the Confederate Army, claiming that he could never fight against his fellow Virginians.

  5. Robert E. Lee - Confederate General, US Military, Virginia: Robert Edward Lee was the son of Henry (“Light-horse Harry”) Lee and Ann Hill Carter Lee. His father had been a hero of the American Revolution and governor of Virginia, and uncles and other relatives had signed the Declaration of Independence, served in Congress, and otherwise achieved notable reputations.

  6. Robert E. Lee summary: Confederate General Robert E. Lee is perhaps the most iconic and most widely respected of all Civil War commanders. Though he opposed secession, he resigned from the U.S. Army to join the forces of his native state, rose to command the largest Confederate army and ultimately was named general-in-chief of all Confederate land forces.

  7. Robert E. Lee őrnagyként 1847 körül Lee a Virginia állambeli Westmoreland megyében található Stratfordban született gazdag ültetvényes család gyermekeként. Ősei 1639 -ben vándoroltak az Újvilágba az angliai Shropshire -ból, amely Wales határán fekszik.

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