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  1. 26 de jun. de 2024 · His renewed attack on Maria Theresa of Austria in 1744, for example, frustrated an Austrian invasion of Alsace and its possible return from French to German control, and during the Seven Years’ War he offered more than once to cede to France territory in western Germany in the hope of breaking up the coalition that threatened him.

  2. Hace 6 días · Austria - Central Europe, Habsburgs, Alps: After the Thirty Years’ War, Austrian rulers were understandably reluctant to enter into another military conflict. In 1654 Ferdinand IV, the eldest son of the emperor, died. His brother, the future emperor Leopold I, who had been destined for a church career, was then considered as heir to the throne and was recognized as such by Austria, Bohemia ...

  3. Hace 6 días · Austria - Alpine Land, Anschluss, WWI: On October 21, 1918, the 210 German members of the Reichsrat of Austria formed themselves into the National Assembly for German-Austria, and on October 30 they proclaimed this an independent state under the direction of the State Council (Staatsrat), composed of the leaders of the three main parties (Social Democrats, Christian Socialists, and German ...

  4. Hace 6 días · Charles’s chief concern was to secure the acceptance in Hungary of the Pragmatic Sanction, the imperial decree by which his daughter Maria Theresa was to inherit his dominions. After the Diet accepted the Pragmatic Sanction in 1723, Charles convoked the body only once more and Maria Theresa, after her coronation in 1740, only twice—each time to ask for money.

  5. 20 de jun. de 2024 · Maria Antonia of Austria 1669–1692: Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria 1662–1726: Charles III Philip of the Palatinate 1661–1742: LORRAINE: Charles Albert 1697–1745 Holy Roman Emperor: Maria Amaila of Austria 1701–1756: Maria Josepha of Austria 1699–1757: Francis I 1708–1765 Holy Roman Emperor: Maria Theresa 1717–1780 Queen of ...

  6. 26 de jun. de 2024 · Maria Theresa, whose consent to the occupation of Bavaria had been given very unwillingly, made peace proposals to Frederick II against Joseph II’s wishes. With France and Russia acting as intermediaries between Austria and Prussia, the representatives of the two powers met at Teschen on March 10, 1779.

  7. Hace 6 días · Austria - Railways, Airports, Telecommunications: Austria has a dense road system inherited from its centuries as the hub of a vast continental empire. The country serves as an important link between western, northern, and central Europe and Italy, eastern Europe, and the Balkans. It has a highly developed transportation infrastructure of highways, passenger and freight trains, waterways, and ...