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  1. Протестантизам је једна од три највеће хришћанске вероисповести, уз католичку и православну. Појам протестантизма обухвата широк распон теолошких и социјалних перспектива и видова ...

  2. The Protestant church of Augustinusga or Saint Augustine's church is a religious building in Augustinusga, Netherlands, one of the medieval churches in Friesland. The church was built in the 15th century and has a tower that dates from the 13th century, built out of brick . [1]

  3. Protestan. Protestan merupakan salah satu cabang Kristian yang terpecah daripada Gereja Roman Katolik yang tercetus pada kurun ke-16 di Eropah yang dikenali sebagai gerakan Reformasi. Anggaran terkini jumlah penganut Umat [Kristian] Protestan di seluruh dunia telah mencecah 800 juta orang.

  4. Mainline Protestant. Eucharist observed by a congregation of the United Methodist Church, a typical mainline Protestant denomination and one of the "Seven Sisters of American Protestantism ". The mainline Protestant churches (sometimes also known as oldline Protestants) [1] [2] [3] are a group of Protestant denominations in the United States ...

  5. Biblia del Oso. El canon bíblico protestante comprende 39 libros del Antiguo Testamento (según el canon judío del Tanaj, a veces conocido por los no protestantes como los libros protocanónicos) y los 27 libros del Nuevo Testamento para un total de 66 libros. Esta práctica fue estandarizada entre los protestantes después de la decisión de ...

  6. Las Relaciones católico-protestantes se refiere a las relaciones sociales, políticas y teológicas y al diálogo entre la católicos y protestantes . Esta relación comenzó en el siglo XVI con el inicio de la Reforma y, por tanto, del Protestantismo. Varios factores contribuyeron a la Reforma protestante.

  7. 27 de may. de 2024 · Reformation, the religious revolution that took place in the Western church in the 16th century. Its greatest leaders undoubtedly were Martin Luther and John Calvin. Having far-reaching political, economic, and social effects, the Reformation became the basis for the founding of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity.