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  1. Charlotte, known as the Countess de Survilliers, lived with her father at his Point Breeze estate in Bordentown, New Jersey, from December 1821 to August 1824. Charlotte married her first cousin Napoléon Louis, the second son of Louis Bonaparte and Hortense de Beauharnais, on 23 July 1826. She became a widow in 1831. Artist

  2. Charlotte Christine Gabrielli (Bonaparte) (22 Feb 1795 - certain 13 May 1865) 0 references . Sitelinks. Wikipedia (4 entries) edit. elwiki Καρλότα ...

  3. Charlotte Bonaparte Gabrielli - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Charlotte Bonaparte Gabrielli

  4. The Chalcophaps indica augusta (Bonaparte, 1855) is also known as Princess Gabrielli's dove. [1] A few months later, on 1 February 1856, Augusta and Placido (himself the son of princess Charlotte Bonaparte Gabrielli) celebrated their marriage in the Chapelle Impériale of the Palais des Tuileries in Paris.

  5. Placido Gabrielli, Prince of Prossedi and Roccasecca, Duke of Pisterzo, was the son of Charlotte Bonaparte Gabrielli and the husband of Augusta Bonaparte Gabrielli. Between 1880 and 1885 he served as the first president of the Banco di Roma.

  6. The period of the villa's greatest beauty and prominence was between 1820 and 1840, when Charlotte Bonaparte Gabrielli was in residence there. Some decadence had already begun in 1849 when the villa became the scene of harsh battles during the siege that ended the Roman Republic.