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  1. The last years of Madame de Montespan's life were given up to a very severe penance. Real sorrow over her death was felt by her three youngest children. She died on 27 May 1707 at the age of sixty-five while taking the waters at Bourbon-l'Archambault in order to try to heal an illness. The king refused to let her children to wear mourning for her.

  2. 31 de dic. de 2014 · Entre los implicados destacaba Madame de Montespan (1640-1707), la amante del rey Luis XIV, quien fue acusada de usar sortilegios para ganarse el favor del Monarca, de participar en misas negras y ...

  3. The governess to Madame de Montespan’s children, Françoise d’Aubigné, who later became Madame de Maintenon in 1675, was next to win the King’s heart with her sweetness and charm. Following the death of Maria Theresa, she married the King of France in secret during the night of 9 to 10 October 1683, in the presence of Louvois and de ...

  4. Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart fue una dama francesa conocida como Madame de Montespan.

  5. De altfel, preocupată veșnic de toalete, serbări, geloasă și temătoare de o noua rivală, Madame de Montespan își vedea rar copilul, care se atașează în mod natural de doica sa, aproape necunoscându-și mama. În 1670 se naște Louis-August, viitorul duce de Maine.

  6. Madame de Montespan est alors accusée par plusieurs prisonniers d'avoir donné au roi à son insu des aphrodisiaques, d'avoir fait dire des messes noires accompagnées de sacrifices d'enfants, et d'avoir cherché la mort du roi et de la nouvelle favorite (sur ce dernier point, on sait maintenant que M lle de Fontanges est morte d'une éclampsie, malgré des tentatives d'assassinat qui ...

  7. 29 de sept. de 2006 · HISTORIC COURT MEMOIRS. MADAME DE MONTESPAN. CHAPTER I. The Reason for Writing These Memoirs.—Gabrielle d’Estrees. The reign of the King who now so happily and so gloriously rules over France will one day exercise the talent of the most skilful historians. But these men of genius, deprived of the advantage of seeing the great monarch whose portrait t