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  1. Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset (1585/6-1645) Carr was a Scottish noble who met King James I (1566-1625) in 1607 and very quickly rose to a position of considerable authority in the King’s court. As James’ favourite, Carr received a steady flow of gifts in the form of cash, land and titles, until he put his mind towards achieving further, political ambition.

  2. 27 de may. de 2014 · Robert Carr, the king’s favourite…murderer. Posted on May 27, 2014. Robert Carr was a Scotsman born in Somerset. He was the son of Sir Thomas Kerr of Ferniehurst Castle in Scotland. The Kerrs – a border family – were known for their left-handedness; they even built their castle staircases to favour their choice of weapon hand.

  3. Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset. Following a fall from his horse at the accession day tilt in March 1607, Robert Carr was nursed by King James I and rapidly became a royal favourite. Created Earl of Somerset in 1616, three years later he was indicted with his wife, Frances Howard, for the murder of his Sir Thomas Overbury.

  4. Robert Carr oder Ker(r), 1. Earl of Somerset (* um 1586 ; † 1645 ) war ein schottischer Politiker und Günstling König Jakobs I. von England . Robert Carr, dessen Geburtstag nicht überliefert ist, war ein jüngerer Sohn des Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehurst und dessen zweiter Frau Janet Scott, der Schwester von Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch .

  5. relationship, James's homoerotic attention fastened on to Robert Carr, a young Scot who had followed the king from Scotland. At the Accession Day Tilt in 1607 Carr appeared as a participant under the aegis of Sir James Hay, another transplanted Scot. Despite being an excellent horseman, Carr had trouble; and the horse threw him, breaking his leg.

  6. Dr. Robert Carr (23 February 1963 – 10 May 2011) was a Trinidadian (and at the age of 40 became a dual national of Jamaica) scholar and human rights activist who dedicated his life to bringing public attention to issues related to stigma and discrimination against persons living with or affected by HIV/AIDS .

  7. 罗伯特·卡尔(Robert Carr)是萨默塞特郡的伯爵,他是1607年至1615年英国国王詹姆斯一世的最爱。他对政府政策的影响微乎其微,但由于卷入了一场丑闻,他在詹姆斯的法庭上声名狼藉。苏格兰贵族的儿子,英俊的卡尔(Carr)于1607年首次引起詹姆斯的兴趣。

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