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  1. Die Familie Droste-Vischering verkörpert in dem Lied offenbar das konservativ-katholische Milieu des Münsterlandes. Angeblich war Johanna von Droste zu Vischering (Großnichte von Clemens August Droste zu Vischering) bei ihrer Wallfahrt zum Heiligen Rock am 30. August 1844 von ihren körperlichen Gebrechen geheilt worden.

  2. The cathedral chapter of Cologne, which had become accustomed to act as a passive instrument in the hands of the Government, elected Clemens August as Archbishop of Cologne on 1 Dec., 1835. He received the papal confirmation on 1 Feb., 1836, and was solemnly enthroned by his brother, Maximilian, Bishop of Münster, on 29 May.

  3. Clemens August, Freiherr von Droste zu Vischering, Erzbischof von Cöln : nebst einem Anhange: Interessante Charakterzüge und einige bisher ungedruckte Gedichte des Verstorbenen. Xanten 1845 ULB Düsseldorf. Verzeichniß der Drei-Brüder-Bibliothek aus dem Nachlass der hochseligen Clemens August Freiherr von Droste-Vischering, Erzbischof von ...

  4. In accordance with the wish of the aged Baron von Fürstenberg, Vicar-General and Administrator of the Diocese of Münster, the cathedral chapter elected Clemens August as his coadjutor on 18 Jan., 1807, and when Fürstenberg resigned six months later, Clemens August became his successor.

  5. Droste-Vischering, CLEMENS AUGUST VON, Archbishop of Cologne, b. January 21, 1773, at Münster, Germany; d. October 19, 1845, in the same city. Besides attending the University of Münster, he had as private tutor the well-known church historian Theodore Katerkamp (d. 1834). At an early age he was introduced into the circle of learned men that ...

  6. DROSTE - VISCHERING, CLEMENS AUGUST, Baron Von (1773-1845), German Roman Catholic divine, was born at Munster on the 21st of January 1773. He was educated in his native town and entered the priesthood in 1798; in 1807 the local chapter elected him vicar-general.

  7. DROSTE-VISCHERING, CLEMENS AUGUST, Baron von (1773–1845), German Roman Catholic divine, was born at Münster on the 21st of January 1773. He was educated in his native town and entered the priesthood in 1798; in 1807 the local chapter elected him vicar-general.