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  1. 25 de jun. de 2024 · James Thomson llega al puerto de Veracruz, México, el 29 de abril de 1827. Para entonces tiene tras de sí casi una década de experiencia como promotor y distribuidor de la Biblia.

  2. 15 de dic. de 2021 · Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) fue un químico británico destacado por diversos aportes, como el descubrimiento del electrón, su modelo atómico, el descubrimiento de los isótopos o el experimento de rayos catódicos. Ganó el premio Nobel de Física en 1906. Nació en Cheetam Hill, un distrito de Manchester, Inglaterra, el 18 de diciembre ...

  3. 30 de may. de 2024 · James Thomson (born Nov. 23, 1834, Port Glasgow, Renfrew, Scot.—died June 3, 1882, London) was a Scottish Victorian poet who is best remembered for his sombre, imaginative poem “ The City of Dreadful Night,” a symbolic expression of his horror of urban dehumanization. Reared in an orphanage, Thomson entered the Royal Military Academy ...

  4. James Thomson (c. 11 September 1700– 27 August 1748) was a Scottish poet and playwright, known for his masterpiece The Seasons and the lyrics of “Rule, Britannia!”. Scotland, 1700–1725 James Thomson was born in Ednam in Roxburghshire around 11 September 1700 and baptised on 15 September.

  5. Ocupación. religioso, educador. [ editar datos en Wikidata] Para el piloto de automovilismo, véase James Thompson (piloto). Diego Thompson ( Creetown, 1 de septiembre de 1788- Londres, 25 de febrero de 1854), fue un educador y pastor bautista escocés, que recorrió Latinoamérica en el siglo XIX para promover el sistema de educación ...

  6. 3 de oct. de 1991 · Abstract. This is a full-scale biography of the poet and playwright James Thomson for forty years. On the personal side, it places him in his social and cultural setting: as a welcome member of the disparate circles that surrounded Alexander Pope, Richard Savage, Aaron Hill, James Quin, George Bubb Dodington, George Lyttelton, Lady Hertford ...

  7. Because James Thomson’s long, reflective landscape poem The Seasons (1730) commanded so much attention and affection for at least 100 years after he wrote it, his achievement has been identified with it. Thomson, however, was also a political figure through other poems and through some...

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