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  1. 1470 - Aug 31, 1528. Matthias Grünewald was a German Renaissance painter of religious works who ignored Renaissance classicism to continue the style of late medieval Central European art into the 16th century. His first name is also given as Mathis and his surname as Gothart or Neithardt.

  2. Pedir reproduçãoda pintura a óleo. Mathis Gothart Niethart, conhecido como Matthias Grünewald, (Würzburg, 1470 — Halle an der Saale, 31 de agosto de 1528) foi um pintor alemão, precursor do expressionismo e um dos maiores pintores germânicos do gótico tardio. Um biógrafo do século XVII, Joachim von Sandrart, erroneamente o ...

  3. Crucifixión (Grünewald) La Crucifixión es la escena representada en los dos paneles centrales del Retablo de Isenheim cuando está cerrado, obra maestra del pintor alemán Matthias Grünewald. El retablo elaborado entre los años 1512 y 1516.

  4. Matthias Grünewald (born c. 1480, Würzburg, bishopric of Würzburg [Germany]—died August 1528, Halle, archbishopric of Magdeburg) was one of the greatest German painters of his age, whose works on religious themes achieve a visionary expressiveness through intense colour and agitated line. The wings of the altarpiece of the Antonite ...

  5. The name Matthias Grünewald was mistakenly given to him by the seventeenth-century German painter and writer, and the artist’s first ardent admirer, Joachim van Sandrart, who wrote Grünewald’s first biographical record for the dictionary, Teutsche Academie der Bau-, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste (German Academy of the Noble Arts of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting) published in 1675 ...

  6. Matthias Grünewald (de son vrai nom probablement Mathis Gothart Nithart), né probablement à Wurtzbourg, en Bavière, v. 1475–1480 et mort à Halle, en Saxe-Anhalt, en 1528, est un peintre et ingénieur hydraulique allemand de la Renaissance, contemporain d'Albrecht Dürer. L'identité de « Matthias Grünewald » reste incertaine.

  7. Matthias Grünewald. Matthias Grünewald (* um 1480; † um 1530) war ein bedeutender Maler und Grafiker der Renaissance. Die Forschungsmeinungen zum Namen sind geteilt. So wird er einmal mit Mathis Gothart-Nithart oder Mathis Nithart-Gothart gleichgesetzt, ein anderes Mal als dessen Zeitgenosse angesehen.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Matthias Grünewald

    Matthias Grünewald crucificcion