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  1. Max Beckmann wird am 12. Februar 1884 als jüngstes von drei Kindern in Leipzig geboren. Seine Mutter ist Antonie Henriette Bertha Beckmann, geb. Düber. Sein Vater, Carl Heinrich Christian Beckmann, ist Mühlenbesitzer und Getreidegroßhändler. Die Geschwister Margarethe (1869–1940) und Richard (1874–1926) sind deutlich älter als Max.

  2. マックス・ベックマン ( Max Beckmann, 1884年 2月12日 - 1950年 12月28日 )は、 ドイツ 、 ライプツィヒ 生まれの 画家 。. 表現主義 、 新即物主義 の画家。. 第一次世界大戦 に衛生兵として従軍。. その体験から、アカデミックな描写によるスタイルを、歪められ ...

  3. 1946–49. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 601. As a child growing up in Leipzig, Germany, Beckmann was especially fond of illustrating imaginative journeys. In The Beginning, Beckmann looks back to his childhood with fondness and humor. Completed in 1949 when the artist was sixty-five years old, the panels are autobiographical.

  4. 马克斯·贝克曼(Max Beckmann,1884年2月12日-1950年12月28日),德国画家、雕塑家、作家。. 生于莱比锡,1906年开始创作生涯。. 1936年因躲避政治迫害移居阿姆斯特丹,1947年赴美。. 其作品受 印象派 及 象征主义 的影响,常常刻画悲剧之中或极具生机的人物,主要 ...

  5. Max Beckmann

  6. Max Beckmann was born and raised in Leipzig, Germany, the youngest of three children in an upper-middle-class family. His father, Carl Beckmann, was a grain merchant who passed away in 1894. His mother, Antoine Beckmann, relocated the family to Braunschweig, where Max lived with his mother and brother for the next several years.

  7. Max Carl Friedrich Beckmann was a German painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and writer. Although he is classified as an Expressionist artist, he rejected both the term and the movement. In the 1920s, he was associated with the New Objectivity, an outgrowth of Expressionism that opposed its introverted emotionalism.

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