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  1. André Breton was a French poet, essayist, critic, and editor, chief promoter and one of the founders of the Surrealist movement. As a medical student, Breton was interested in mental illness; his reading of the works of Sigmund Freud (whom he met in 1921) introduced him to the concept of the

  2. Poeta y ensayista francés, André Breton estudió Medicina y Psiquiatría, y durante la Primera Guerra Mundial trabajó como neurólogo en Nantes. Finalizada la...

  3. Rajzok, feljegyzések és gondolatváltások kortárs alkotók között; szöveg André Breton et al., előszó Montse Aguer, összeáll. Joan Tarrida, Nilda Echarri, ford. Pávai Patak Márta; Helikon–Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Bp.–Figueres, 2004

  4. 1 de oct. de 1991 · André Breton y el surrealismo . El movimiento surrealista, definitivamente visible y teóricamente argumentado con la publicación del Manifeste du Surréalisme (1924), que firma André Breton (Tinchebray, Francia, 1896- París, 1966), constituye una cosmología organizada por y en torno al propio Breton.

  5. André Breton (francúzsky IPA: [ɑ̃'dʀe bʀə'tɔ̃]) (* 19. február 1896, Tinchebray, Francúzsko - † 28. september 1966 Paríž) bol francúzsky spisovateľ, básnik a teoretik surrealizmu a jeden z jeho najznámejších zakladateľov.

  6. André Breton (n. 18 februarie 1896 , Tinchebray , Franța - d. 28 septembrie 1966 ) a fost poet , eseist, editor, critic literar și artistic francez, șef inițiator și unul dintre fondatorii curentului cultural al suprarealismului , împreună cu Louis Aragon , Philippe Soupault , Paul Eluard , Luis Buñuel și Salvador Dalí (printre alții).

  7. André Breton was born in 1896 to a family of shopkeepers in Tinchebray, a small town in Normandy, France. He studied medicine and psychiatry, displaying a special interest in mental illness. Though he never qualified as a psychoanalyst, he worked in neurological wards in Nantes during World War I,…

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