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  1. The history of the Calvinist–Arminian debate begins in early 17th century in the Netherlands with a Christian theological dispute between the followers of John Calvin and Jacobus Arminius, and continues today among some Protestants, particularly evangelicals. The debate centers around soteriology, or the study of salvation, and includes ...

  2. Calvinisme. Calvinisme (også kaldt den reformerte tradition, reformerte tro eller reformert teologi) er en protestantisk trosretning ofte associeret med reformatoren Jean Calvins lære, skønt også andre reformatorer var med til at grundlægge den reformerte lære, heriblandt Ulrich Zvingli, Theodor Beza og mange andre.

  3. 17 de may. de 2024 · Calvinism emphasizes the sovereignty of God in all aspects of salvation. It gained prominence during the Reformation and became a popular theology in regions like Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Scotland. Calvinism's core principles are summarized in the five points of TULIP: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement ...

  4. Protestant work ethic. The Protestant work ethic, [1] also known as the Calvinist work ethic [2] or the Puritan work ethic, [3] is a work ethic concept in sociology, economics, and history. It emphasizes that a person's subscription to the values espoused by the Protestant faith, particularly Calvinism, result in diligence, discipline, and ...

  5. Thần học Calvin. Thần học Calvin ( tiếng Anh: Calvinism) là hệ thống thần học và phương pháp ứng dụng đức tin vào nếp sống Cơ Đốc, đặt trọng tâm vào quyền tể trị của Thiên Chúa. [1] Được gọi theo tên của nhà cải cách Jean Calvin, mô hình Cơ Đốc giáo Kháng Cách này ...

  6. Reformed faith spread throughout Europe in the 16th century, with different character in different places. Calvinism was the dominant form of Protestantism in France. After a period of struggle, Calvinists were officially tolerated there. Under the leadership of John Knox, the Church of Scotland, which is Reformed, became the established church ...

  7. Neocalvinismo. El neocalvinismo es un tipo de calvinismo neerlandés, un movimiento iniciado por el teólogo y ex primer ministro holandés Abraham Kuyper. James Bratt ha identificado diferentes tipos de calvinismo neerlandés: Los Secesionistas —que se dividieron en la Iglesia Reformada “Occidental” y los Confesionalistas; y los ...