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  1. Maria Theresa received the upbringing and education typical of a daughter of dynastic lineage, focusing on courtly deportment, music, dancing and languages. Even the choice of languages – exclusively the Romance languages of Latin, French, Italian and Spanish, but not the tongues of the Crown Lands such as Hungarian and Czech, as was otherwise customary for heirs to the throne

  2. María Teresa I de Austria Nota 1 ( Viena, 13 de mayo de 1717-Viena, 29 de noviembre de 1780) 1 fue la primera y única mujer que gobernó sobre los dominios de los Habsburgo y la última jefa de la casa de Habsburgo, pues a partir de su matrimonio la dinastía pasó a llamarse Casa de Habsburgo-Lorena . Fue archiduquesa y soberana de Austria ...

  3. Maria Theresa: Empress and mother of her peoples. Maria Theresa’s reign is commonly seen as a golden age of the Habsburg monarchy. However, many of the present-day images of the Empress are based on clichés. In 1740, the provisions of the Pragmatic Sanction enabled Charles VI’s 23-year-old daughter Maria Theresa to take on her father’s ...

  4. › family-history › extended-family-treeHabsburg-Lothringen Family Tree

    Empress Maria Theresa introduced compulsory education and regulated schooling (6.12.1774). She implemented reforms, some of which are still valid today. She gave birth to 16 children and was and is called the Mother of Europe.

  5. Maria Theresia. Als Königin von Ungarn und Böhmen, Erzherzogin von Österreich, etc. Regentin der Habsburgermonarchie (1740–1780) Geb. am 13. Mai 1717 in Wien. Gest. am 29. November 1780 in Wien. Wahlspruch: "Iustitia et Clementia - Durch Gerechtigkeit und Milde". Maria Theresia war die bedeutendste Herrscherin des aufgeklärten ...

  6. Maria Theresa (1717–1780) was once the most powerful woman in Europe. At the age of twenty-three, she ascended to the throne of the Habsburg Empire, a far-flung realm composed of diverse ethnicities and languages, beset on all sides by enemies and rivals. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger provides the definitive biography of Maria Theresa, situating ...

  7. Maria Theresia von Österreich (* 13. Mai 1717 in Wien; † 29. November 1780 ebenda) war eine Fürstin aus dem Hause Habsburg. [1] Die von 1740 bis zu ihrem Tod regierende Erzherzogin von Österreich und Königin u. a. von Ungarn (mit Kroatien) und Böhmen zählte zu den prägenden Monarchen der Ära des aufgeklärten Absolutismus.