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  1. Louisenlund, Güby. 2,596 likes. Stiftung Internat Louisenlund

  2. Ud for Horsens fjord ligger godset Louisenlund på sydkysten af Endelave ved Lynger Hage. Louisenlunds omgivelser byder på skønne uspolerede naturoplevelser, badestrand, rig fiskemulighed langs kysten og ture i skoven. Omdrejningspunktet for Louisenlund Gods er jagt, og specielt kaninjagt som er en del at Endelave og Louisenlunds identitet.

  3. Louisenlund, the only IB boarding school in northern Germany, impresses with its beautiful surroundings, and with its thoroughly international character, offering education of the highest quality. Located on the banks of the Schlei, with its own yacht harbour, the school has a long heritage of being committed to progressive learning strategies able to nurture open-minded and responsible citizens.

  4. Louisenlund er en herregård ved Slien sydøst for Slesvig by, navngivet efter den danske prinsesse Louise, søster til Christian 7. og gift med landgreve Carl af Hessen. Han var statholder i Slesvig og havde residens på Gottorp Slot. I 1770 forærede Christian 7. en kongelig ladegård ved Slien til landgreveparret, og de lod her Louisenlund opføre 1772-76 som sommerresidens ...

  5. Louisenlund, some 3.5 kilometres (2.2 mi) east of Østermarie on the Danish island of Bornholm, is a site with one of Denmark's largest collection of megaliths. Some 50 stones standing upright among the trees, many of them over 2.5 metres (8 ft 2 in) high.

  6. Louisenlund prepares students for a globalised world, not only through the IB, which is taught in English, but also through extensive international contacts. Moral concepts and critical thinking developed in Louisenlund can be intensified through membership of the Politics or Debating Societies, as well as in exchange with schools and institutions worldwide.

  7. Louisenlund Godset Louisenlund blev bygget i 1797 af Major & Eskadronchef Georg Ditlev von Schildknecht. Majoren bygger Louisenlund som bolig for familien. I dag er Louisenlund Gods igen kommet i familieejet. Familieejerskabet har til formål at værne om Louisenlunds smukke og fredet natur, samt drive et bæredygtigt jagtvæsen. Louisenlunds historie 11.500 rigsdaler var prisen, da […]

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Louisenlund

    Louisenlund internat