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  1. Paul Joseph Goebbels (born 29 October 1897) is a German socialist politician and leader of the All-German National Vanguard. He has served as a representative for Essen-Wuppertal in the...

  2. We all know why Joseph Goebbels isn't in the mod. And if you don't know, the devs fucking forgot to put him and then had him killed by French partisans. The current lore says he was killed in Moskowien, but it has the same purpose of taking a prominent Nazi figure away from the mod.

  3. 1 de jun. de 2024 · The German Reich is the leader of the Axis at the start of the game but has no allies yet at the beginning of the grand campaign. Following the 1.5 patch, Germany is able to form the German Empire through national focus, and the Greater German Reich or Holy Roman Empire through decisions.

  4. Endsieg is German for "Ultimate Victory", this term was commonly used in WWI and WWII propaganda and was one of the most widely used terms in propaganda by the Third Reich. Joseph Goebbels would still come to use this term as late as 1945 ensuring German's that they were facing a "final victory".

  5. Welcome to the Red Flood Mod Wiki! This is the (unofficial) Wiki for the Red Flood alternative history mod for Hearts of Iron IV, about a prolonged crisis of modernity.

  6. 17 de abr. de 2020 · Paul Joseph Goebbels convulsed violently. He was strapped firmly to a table, tilted nearly upright at about 70 degrees. Some rounded lengths of wire have been inserted into his eyes; propping them open at all times; thankfully they were designed to be as non-intrusive as possible, so they can barely be felt and cause no pain.

  7. 16 de abr. de 2020 · Features: - Play from 1945 to 1964. - Hundreds of Real Historic Events. - New Tech Tree (up to year 1964) - New Focus Tree for many countries (up to year 1964) REWRITE HISTORY: - Colonize South America. - T. DECISIONS: - Commit Suicide. - Fight in the Frontline. - Escape to Argentina. - Escape to Japan. - Escape to Norway. FANTASY DECISIONS: