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  1. Hace 4 días · According to Giorgio Vasari, in the mid-16th century the painting now preserved at the Uffizi belonged to Fabio Segni, who probably had inherited it from his father Antonio Segni, (1457-post 1502), a person about whom little is known.

  2. Hace 4 días · Antonio Segni nacque il 2 febbraio 1891 a Sassari, in Sardegna. Proveniente da una famiglia di avvocati e politici, Segni si laureò in giurisprudenza e iniziò la sua carriera accademica come professore di diritto agrario.

  3. 21 de jun. de 2024 · During 2021, President Mattarella expressed his unavailability regarding a second term, which had been proposed by various political forces, recalling similar remarks made by his predecessors Antonio Segni and Giovanni Leone.

  4. Hace 3 días · Cossiga è sepolto nel cimitero comunale di Sassari, nella tomba di famiglia, poco distante dalla tomba di Antonio Segni. Lasciò un testamento, con indicazioni dettagliate per il funerale: sulla bara dovevano esserci la bandiera sarda dei quattro mori e il tricolore italiano.

  5. Hace 2 días · On 11 May, the Italian President Antonio Segni officially awarded Pope John XXIII with the Balzan Prize for his engagement for peace. While in the car en route to the official ceremony, he suffered great stomach pains but insisted on meeting with Segni to receive the award in the Quirinal Palace, refusing to do so

  6. Hace 4 días · Scorri l'elenco dei defunti nel 2024. Con Repubblica puoi cercare la persona scomparsa e ricordarla con un messaggio. 968716-segni-antonio

  7. 12 de jun. de 2024 · During 1959–63 he was minister for agriculture under the successive governments of Antonio Segni, Fernando Tambroni, and Amintore Fanfani, and his name was linked with the so-called “green plan” to develop agriculture in Italy.