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  1. 19 de jun. de 2024 · El emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico Federico II de Hohenstaufen (“Alta Staufen”, un castillo de Suabia, Alemania), que vivió entre 1194 y 1250, fue el autor intelectual de un movimiento religioso, cultural y social único, sin precedentes.

  2. Hace 3 días · The extinction of the Hohenstaufen dynasty. The death of Frederick II in 1250 and of his son Conrad IV in 1254 heralded the irreversible decline of Hohenstaufen power in Germany and in the conjoint kingdoms of Naples and Sicily.

  3. 23 de jun. de 2024 · La familia Hohenstaufen –Alta Staufen– gobernó al suroeste de Alemania, en el ducado medieval de Suabia, entre los siglos X y XIII. Esta región era conocida en la Antigüedad, y hasta bien entrada la Edad Media, como Alamania.

  4. Hace 5 días · Frederick II "der Einäugige" (1090 – 6 April 1147), called the One-Eyed, was Duke of Swabia from 1105 until his death, the second from the Hohenstaufen dynasty. His younger brother Conrad was elected King of the Romans in 1138.

    • Judith of Bavaria, Agnes of Saarbrücken
    • Hohenstaufen, Swaben, Bavaria
    • 1090
    • St. Walpurgia. Alsace ®64
  5. Hace 3 días · Germany - Hohenstaufen, Empire, Reunification: The nearest kinsmen of Henry V were his Hohenstaufen nephews—Frederick, duke of Swabia, and his younger brother Conrad—the sons of Henry’s sister Agnes and Frederick, the first Hohenstaufen duke of Swabia.

  6. Hace 20 horas · Federico Ruggero di Hohenstaufen (Jesi, 26 dicembre 1194 – Fiorentino di Puglia, 13 dicembre 1250) è stato re di Sicilia (come Federico I, dal 1198 al 1250), duca di Svevia (come Federico VII, dal 1212 al 1216), re dei Romani (dal 1212) e poi imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero (come Federico II, eletto nel 1211, incoronato dapprima ad Aquisgrana nel 1215 e, successivamente, a Roma dal papa ...

  7. This is a humorous music video in Italian that pays tribute to Frederick II. It is a parody of the anthem of Berlusconi's party, with altered lyrics, so instead of being about Berlusconi it's about the Emperor Frederick II.