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  1. Hace 2 días · Gabriel Bethlen, Calvinist Prince of Transylvania, invaded Hungary with Ottoman support, although the Habsburgs persuaded them to avoid direct involvement; this was helped when the Ottomans became involved in the 1620 Polish war, followed by the 1623 to 1639 conflict with Persia.

  2. Hace 5 días · Gabriel Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania, made an alliance with the Bohemians and invaded Upper Hungary (mainly present-day Slovakia) in September. After learning of Bethlen's success, Frederick V accepted the Bohemian crown on 28 September.

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    Hace 2 días · Although the rulers of the three principalities continued to pay tribute to the Ottomans, the most talented princesGabriel Bethlen of Transylvania, Matei Basarab of Wallachia, and Vasile Lupu of Moldavia—strengthened their autonomy.

  4. 25 de may. de 2024 · S obsadzovaním Horného Uhorska začal už v roku 1620 Gabriel Bethlen, ktorý dňa 16. júla 1621 po krátkom obliehaní dobyl aj novozámocké opevnenie. Uhorské stavy sa proti nemu čoskoro postavili, a tak počas uzavretia Mikulovského mieru Bethlen svoju moc nad Novými Zámkami stratil.

  5. 11 de may. de 2024 · Istoria fostului colegiu academic Bethlen din Alba Iulia. În ambițiile sale de protector al culturii, principele Gabriel Bethlen dorea să transforme Alba Iulia într-un „Heidelberg al estului”. În acest sens, a înființat, în 1622, Colegiul Academic, în inima Cetății.

  6. Hace 3 días · Concurs: 25 iunie 2024, ora 11.00 – proba scrisă, la sediul bibliotecii (Alba Iulia, strada Gabriel Bethlen 1); 1 iulie 2024, ora 11.00 – interviu, la sediul Bibliotecii Naţionale a României, Bucureşti, Bulevardul Unirii nr. 22, sector 3. Detalii la tel. 021.314.24.34/ int. 1025 și 1027 (Biroul Resurse Umane și Salarizare).

  7. 30 de may. de 2024 · Bethlen Gábor szobra 1986-ban a város vezetői összefogva a Képzőművészeti Lektorátussal, a Szabolcs-Szatmár Megyei Tanáccsal úgy döntött, hogy öt év alatt (évenként megosztva) egymillió forintot áldoz képzőművészeti alkotásra, köztéri szoborra.