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  1. 14 de jun. de 2024 · Prince Jeremi Wiśniowiecki fought several high-profile conflicts with representatives of the power elite, some of which he provoked himself.

  2. 17 de jun. de 2024 · Ukrainian land potentate Jeremi Wiśniowiecki, who embarked on the defense of his huge threatened latifundium and its people, began retreating at the end of May from left-bank Ukraine.

  3. 16 de jun. de 2024 · Uwieczniony w sienkiewiczowskiej "Trylogii" książę Jeremi Wiśniowiecki (ur. 1612 r.) wsławił się w wojnie z Kozakami. Po zwycięskiej bitwie pod Beresteczkiem uległ zarazie, która zapanowała w wojsku - zmarł w sierpniu 1651 r. w Pawłoczy.

  4. 12 de jun. de 2024 · Among the most famous Ruthenian families who polonized themselves were the Wiśniowiecki, Zbarascy, Zasławski, and Czartoryski families. Others, such as the Ostrogski, Sanguszko, and Kisiel families, resisted polonization.

  5. 25 de jun. de 2024 · The forces of Jeremi Wiśniowiecki reinforced the Zbarazh defenders while he took the lead of all Polish forces. Khmelnytsky besieged the city, wearing it down through a series of random attacks and bombardments. The king, while rushing to help Wiśniowiecki, was ambushed with his newly gathered forces.

  6. 21 de jun. de 2024 · A native Pole, he was freely elected by the unanimous vote of the gentry. However, he was chiefly chosen for the merit of his father, Jérémi Wiśniowiecki, a great border magnate who had victoriously kept down the Cossacks, and he proved to be a passive tool in the hands of the Habsburgs.

  7. 5 de jun. de 2024 · Skrzetuski, Wołodyjowski, Kmicic, Bohun, Jeremi Wiśniowiecki… Wraz z Autorem śledzimy, jak zmienia się Rzeczpospolita szlachecka. Nie zmienia się na lepsze.