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  1. 16 de jun. de 2024 · Astrology Birth Chart for Maria Aurora von Königsmarck (Aug. 28, 1662)

  2. Maria Aurora von Spiegel. Categories: Mistresses of German royalty. Mistresses of Polish royalty. Royal mistresses by person. Augustus II the Strong.

  3. 25 de jun. de 2024 · Maria Aurora von Königsmarck is the possible author of this Magnificat paraphrase. Around a decade before the libretto was reprinted in Leipzig it had already been set by Reinhard Keiser and Johann Mattheson.

  4. 5 de jun. de 2024 · Maurice was born at Goslar, an illegitimate son of Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and the Countess Maria Aurora of Königsmarck. He was the first of eight extramarital children whom August acknowledged, although as many as 354 are claimed by sources, including Wilhelmine of Bayreuth, to have existed.

  5. 20 de jun. de 2024 · In 1695, amidst the intricate dynamics of the royal court, Amalia Lewenhaupt (Königsmarck) persuasively influenced her spouse to enter into the service of Augustus II the Strong, who was at that time engaged in a romantic relationship with her sister Aurora.

  6. 9 de jun. de 2024 · Diesem Zweig entstammten bedeutende Persönlichkeiten wie der 1651 in den schwedischen Grafenstand erhobene Königlich schwedische Feldmarschallleutnant Hans Christopher von Königsmarck (1600-1663) oder dessen Enkelin, Marie Aurora Gräfin von Königsmarck (1662-1728) - Mätresse Augusts des Starken, später Pröpstin des Stiftes ...

  7. 7 de jun. de 2024 · Pues se determinó que Rafael Orozco sostenía una relación extramatrimonial con una joven identificada como María Angélica Navarro, quien a su vez salía con un hombre involucrado con carteles de droga, identificado como José Reinaldo Fiallo Jácome, alias Nano Fiallo.