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  1. Hace 3 días · Philipp Scheidemann at a window (marked with an X) of the Reichstag building proclaiming a republic. Instead of going to Spa to meet with the Emperor in person, Chancellor von Baden telephoned him on the morning of 9 November and tried to convince him to hand the throne over to a regent who would constitutionally name Ebert chancellor.

    • Germany
  2. 12 de may. de 2024 · Die Rede ist von Philipp Heinrich Scheidemann. Man kennt ihn als den sozialdemokratischen Politiker, der 1918 auf einem Balkon des Reichstages in Berlin die Republik ausrief und eine große Rede hielt. Seine Heimatstadt war Kassel, wo er Oberbürgermeister war. Heute vor 75 Jahren starb Philipp Scheidemann.

  3. Hace 3 días · On 9 November 1918, the German Republic was proclaimed by MSPD member Philipp Scheidemann at the Reichstag building in Berlin, angering Friedrich Ebert, the leader of the MSPD, who thought that the question of monarchy or republic should be answered by a national assembly.

  4. 23 de may. de 2024 · A 1924 right wing German political cartoon showing Philipp Scheidemann, the German Social Democratic politician who proclaimed the Weimar Republic and was its second Chancellor, and Matthias Erzberger, an anti-war politician from the Centre Party, who ended WWI by signing the armistice with the Allies, as stabbing the German Army in ...

  5. 25 de may. de 2024 · 1867-1919. Social revolutionary under the czars. Co-founder of the KPD. Murdered while in police custody in March 1919. Leo Jogiches was from Lithuania and championed a social revolution early on. He fled to Switzerland when the czar’s secret police started chasing him down. During World War I, he lived underground and during the November ...

  6. Hace 1 día · On 9 November 1918, leading SPD member Friedrich Ebert was designated chancellor and fellow Social Democrat Philipp Scheidemann, on his own authority, proclaimed Germany a republic. The government introduced a large number of reforms in the following months, introducing various civil liberties and labor rights . [21]

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    24 de may. de 2024 · Weimar war ein unerhörter Neuanfang, ein Aufbruch, wurde aber immer vom Ende, vom Scheitern her beurteilt. Der Film ist ein emotionales Plädoyer. Er sucht die Auseinandersetzung und verfolgt dabei das Ziel, jene staatsbürgerlichen Werte, von denen heute oft die Rede ist, greifbar und in ihrem historischen Entstehen verstehbar zu machen.