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  1. 8 de jul. de 2024 · At the turn of the 15th century, Pietro Bembo, a cardinal, a humanist, and a writer, set an example for those who wished to experience the garden as a place of refuge and meditation. Even today, the garden remains capable of providing moments of tranquility and a break from our hectic lives—a place of pleasure par excellence.

  2. Hace 5 días · Relación con Pietro Bembo. Bembo, cautivado por su belleza y cabellos rubios, le dedicó su obra "Gli asolani". A pesar de la separación causada por la peste, mantuvieron una intensa correspondencia amorosa durante 16 años, en la cual Lucrecia incluso le envió un mechón de su cabello.

  3. 8 de jul. de 2024 · At the turn of the 15th century, Pietro Bembo, a cardinal, a humanist, and a writer, set an example for those who wished to experience the garden as a place of refuge and meditation.

  4. 10 de jul. de 2024 · Entre tres posturas que pugnaban por establecer una lengua italiana ganó la que afirmaba “que debía ser el florentino la base de un italiano común”, idea impulsada por el veneciano Pietro Bembo, a razón de que esta forma ya había adquirido prestigio gracias a Dante, Petrarca y Boccaccio.

  5. 3 de jul. de 2024 · Siamo nel Cinquecento quando vive e opera Pietro Bembo, originario di Venezia (1470-1547) considerato da moltissimi studiosi di linguistica e filologia come la “Quarta Corona” poiché estremamente importante in quella espansione della lingua volgare (antenato della nostra attuale lingua italiana).

  6. 3 de jul. de 2024 · This short tale of a journey to Mount Aetna undertaken by Pietro Bembo (1470–1547) and his father, Bernardo, was printed in a new Roman font designed and cut for Aldus by Francesco Griffo (1450–1518). Its elegant simplicity has inspired type designers to this day, and is arguably the most influential design in the history of ...

  7. 10 de jul. de 2024 · Pietro Bembo was an influential figure in the development of the Italian language, specifically Tuscan, as a literary medium, and his writings assisted in the 16th century revival of interest in the works of Petrarch.