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  1. 10 de may. de 2024 · In all three cases, Nabokov expressed his displeasure and rejection of the abuse committed against children. It is possible that very few people, perhaps only the writer’s wife Véra, knew this secret because Nabokov wrote about it in Speak, Memory in a roundabout way.

  2. Hace 6 días · Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-born American novelist and critic and the foremost of the post-1917 emigre authors. He wrote in both Russian and English, and his best works, including Lolita (1955), feature stylish, intricate literary effects.

  3. Nabokov’s wife was named Vera. On the handwritten draft of Lolita, he wrote: “For Vera.” In Mr. Robot, Vera wanted to show Elliot the truth. But “the truth” was hidden from us through unreliable narration, like the truth is obscured by Humbert Humbert’s unreliable narration in Lolita. Like Humbert, Vera was a murderer and a rapist.

  4. 12 de may. de 2024 · Siempre que se habla de Nabokov se alude a su afición por las mariposas, la experiencia más emocionante de su vida, según sus palabras.

  5. 27 de may. de 2024 · La novela "Lolita" se publicó en 1955 y su autor el ruso estadounidense Vladimir Nabokov sufrió el veto y escándalo al ser tildado de inmoral, pues básicamente la obra aborda la obsesión de un adulto por una pequeña de 12 años a primera vista.

  6. 21 de may. de 2024 · Véra, who died in 1991, dominates Zgustova’s book. It is she who carries a loaded Browning pistol in her purse and thwarts her husband’s “weakness for women” by monitoring his lectures and intercepting his love letters. Their son describes her as “a Mafia boss,” and it is she who insists that, to make his mark, Vladimir must switch to English.

  7. 10 de may. de 2024 · Vladimir Nabokov en EL PAÍS. Jorge Luis Borges. Borges deconstruido. Carlo Frabetti | May 10, 2024 - 07:50 EDT. En su novela ‘Ada o el ardor’, Vladimir Nabokov convierte a Borges en Osberg....