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  1. Georg von Habsburg (born 16 December 1964) is a German-born Hungarian diplomat. He is referred to in Austria as Georg Habsburg-Lothringen, in Hungary as Habsburg György, and in some international media by his courtesy title Archduke Georg of Austria.

  2. Carlos de Austria o Carlos de Habsburgo-Lorena ( Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen ), legalmente Carlos Habsburgo-Lorena ( Starnberg, 11 de enero de 1961), es un empresario y político austríaco, pretendiente al trono del desaparecido Imperio Austrohúngaro y jefe de la casa de Habsburgo-Lorena y de la rama austríaca de la Orden del ...

  3. A partir del reinado del emperador Carlos V (1519-1556), la casa de Habsburgo se dividió en dos ramas. La rama principal de los Austrias españoles, que gobernó el Imperio español, se extinguió en 1700 a la muerte de Carlos II de España sin descendencia.

  4. Karl Habsburg (given names: Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam; born 11 January 1961) is an Austrian politician and the head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, the former royal house of the defunct Austro-Hungarian thrones.

  5. Paul Georg Habsburg-Lothringen ist Diplomat für die Republik Ungarn und Manager in der Medienbranche. Ab 16. Dezember 1996 war er als Sonderbotschafter Ungarns für die EU-Verhandlungen tätig, seit 2020 ist er Botschafter Ungarns in Frankreich. Von 2004 bis 2012 war er Präsident des Ungarischen Roten Kreuzes.

  6. Eilika von Habsburg (née Duchess Eilika Helene Jutta Clementine of Oldenburg; born 22 August 1972) is married to Georg von Habsburg, the third in the line of succession to the former Austro-Hungarian throne.

  7. 23 de dic. de 1996 · The most striking example of the trend is the appointment this week of Georg von Habsburg, the 32-year-old grandson of Emperor Karl I, to the position of Hungary's ambassador for European...