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  1. Eleonora Luisa Gonzaga (13 November 1686 – 16 March 1741) was the Duchess of Rovere and Montefeltro as the wife of Francesco Maria de' Medici. She was the eldest child of Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Guastalla and Sabbioneta and his second wife, Princess Maria Vittoria Gonzaga of Guastalla (1659-1707). She did not bear any children.

  2. "Eleonora Luisa Gonzaga (13 November 1686 – 16 March 1741) was the Duchess of Rovere and Montefeltro as the wife of Francesco Maria de´ Medici. She was the eldest child of Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Guastalla and Sabbioneta and his second wife, Maria Vittoria Gonzaga.

  3. Eleanora Luisa Gonzaga (13 November 1686 – 16 March 1741) was the Duchess of Rovere and Montefeltro as the wife of Francesco Maria de' Medici. She was the only child of Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Guastalla and Sabbioneta and his second wife, Maria Vittoria Gonzaga .

    • Biografia
    • Bibliografia
    • Collegamenti Esterni

    Il 14 luglio 1709 fu sposata contro la sua volontà al principe ed ex cardinale Francesco Maria de' Medici, fratello del granduca di Toscana Cosimo III, di ventisei anni più vecchio, incredibilmente obeso e malato, nel tentativo di far ottenere all'attempato Francesco una discendenza che assicurasse la conservazione del granducato nella famiglia Med...

    Conti G., Firenze dai Medici ai Lorena, Bemporad & Figlio, Firenze1909.
    Pieraccini G., La stirpe dei Medici di Cafaggiolo, Nardini, Firenze 1986.
    Vannucci M., I Lorena, granduchi di Toscana, Newton & Compton, Roma1998.
    Irene Cotta, GONZAGA, Eleonora, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, vol. 57, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001.
    (EN) Genealogia dei Gonzaga, su
  4. "Eleonora Luisa Gonzaga (13 November 1686 – 16 March 1741) was the Duchess of Rovere and Montefeltro as the wife of Francesco Maria de´ Medici. She was the eldest child of Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Guastalla and Sabbioneta and his second wife, Maria Vittoria Gonzaga.

  5. "Eleonora Luisa Gonzaga (13 November 1686 – 16 March 1741) was the Duchess of Rovere and Montefeltro as the wife of Francesco Maria de´ Medici. She was the eldest child of Vincenzo Gonzaga, Duke of Guastalla and Sabbioneta and his second wife, Maria Vittoria Gonzaga.

  6. Eleonora Gonzaga (23 September 1598 – 27 June 1655), was born a princess of Mantua as a member of the House of Gonzaga, and by marriage to Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, was Holy Roman Empress, German Queen, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia.