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  1. 8 de mar. de 2024 · Murray Edwards is a College for women at the University of Cambridge, with a focus on outstanding young women, their learning and skills for life.

  2. Murray Edwards College is a women-only constituent college of the University of Cambridge. It was founded in 1954 as New Hall and renamed in 2008. The name honours a gift of £30 million by alumna Ros Edwards and her husband Steve, and the first President and woman Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge , Rosemary Murray .

  3. At Murray Edwards College, you receive a brilliant Cambridge University education with unrivalled levels of support in your studies, all in a warm and welcoming community.

  4. How to apply. Students at matriculation. We were founded in 1954 to welcome outstanding young women to Cambridge, no matter what their background, and to provide the best education possible. More than 60 years later, this mission remains at the heart of our existence.

  5. Murray Edwards was founded over 60 years as the third Cambridge College to provide education for outstanding women.

  6. 刚刚收到 Cambridge Murray Edwards的Mathematics 的offer 希望有在剑桥的学长学姐们来介绍一下这个学院大概情况. 显示全部 . 关注者. 56. 被浏览. 70,958. 14 个回答. 默认排序. 鲁库. Atypical. 69 人赞同了该回答. 谢邀! @ ceres. @ 桥边的大魔王. 学妹! 首先恭喜你拿到offer,你真的超棒的w. 其次,请吃学姐一记安利! (多图预警) 我是Murray Edwards大三medic,当年也是被pool过来的。 第一反应:唔.........女院啊........会不会找不到对象啊.....会不会闹鬼啊........ 第二反应:这学院画风清奇啊....怎么白白胖胖像 泰姬陵 一样.....【嫌弃】

  7. Postgraduates have access to the College's excellent study facilities, including the Rosemary Murray Library (open 24 hours a day for seven days a week, with some 60,000 volumes), WiFi and excellent computing facilities.