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  1. › wiki › ToyoyamaToyoyama - Wikipedia

    Toyoyama is also home to the Nagoya Central Wholesale Market. Education. Toyoyama has three public elementary schools and one public high school operated by the town government. Transportation Airport. Nagoya Airfield; Railway. Toyoyama does not have any passenger railway service. Highway The Kilometre Zero of Toyoyama

  2. 学校基本情報. 〒 480-0202. 西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場字中之町10番地. 電話番号 (0568)28-0004 FAX番号 (0568)28-0480. E-mail 豊山町立豊山小学校.

  3. : • On the day of the tour, please present personal identification. Additionally, preschoolers are not allowed, even if accompanied by guardians. All explanations inside the facility are aimed from the higher grades of elementary school up. • Groups of approximately 15 guests will be guided by the staff in a facility tour.

    • 10:00 AM to 5:40 PM (last admission 4:10 PM)
    • None
  4. Toyoyama Elementary School is a school in Toyoyama, Nishikasugai District, Aichi. Toyoyama Elementary School is situated nearby to the post office 豊山郵便局 and Toyoyama Junior High School . Overview

  5. 教育委員会事務局学校教育課学校教育グループ. 〒480-0292 愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場字新栄260番地. 電話:0568-28-2211. ファクス:0568-29-1177. 入学、転校などの手続きなどをご案内しています。.

  6. 豊山町役場 [ 役場案内 ] 〒480-0292 愛知県西春日井郡豊山町大字豊場字新栄260番地 代表電話:0568-28-0001 ファクス:0568-29-1177

  7. Toyoyama Elementary School es una escuela en Prefectura de Aichi. Toyoyama Elementary School está situada circa de 豊山郵便局 y 西枇杷島警察署豊山交番.