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  1. Michelangelo Florio (1515–1566), possibly born in Florence, dead in Soglio, was the son of a Franciscan friar, before converting to Protestantism. He was a pastor in both England and Switzerland, and father of the renaissance humanist John Florio.

  2. Michelangelo Florio, noto anche come Michael Angelo o Michel Agnolo (Firenze, 28 settembre 1518 – Soglio, 1566), è stato un umanista, predicatore e teologo italiano.

  3. 25 de nov. de 2020 · La gran parte delle opere firmate Shakespeare rivela una conoscenza diretta dei luoghi che Michelangelo Florio ha visitato durante la sua giovinezza girovaga. E “Giulietta e Romeo” appare chiaramente come una trasfigurazione artistica della storia d’amore vissuta durante la giovinezza.

  4. The Crollalanza theory of Shakespeare's identity posits that Shakespeare was an Italian called Michelangelo Florio a.k.a. "Crollalanza", whose mother's family name is variously given as Crollalanza or Scrollalanza ("shake-speare").

  5. Miguel Ángel Florio (1515-1566), nacido en Florencia y murió en Soglio, era el hijo de un franciscano fraile, antes de convertirse al protestantismo. Fue pastor tanto en Inglaterra como en Suiza, y padre del humanista renacentista John Florio.

  6. 27 de may. de 2021 · Michelangelo Florio’s (1518-1566) biography as an Italian religious refugee in London transpires in this short dialogue in his manuscript grammar Regole de la Lingua Thoscana (Rules of the Tuscan language) dedicated to his young aristocratic student Henry Herbert (c.1538- 1601) in August 1553.

  7. The Florian theory of Shakespeare authorship holds that the Protestant pastor Michelangelo Florio (1515–1566) or his son the English lexicographer John Florio (1552–1625), or both, wrote the plays of William Shakespeare (1564–1616).