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  1. Henry Seymour (c. 1503 - 5 de abril de 1578) [1] fue un terrateniente y diputado inglés, hermano de Jane Seymour, reina consorte de Enrique VIII y, en consecuencia, tío de Eduardo VI. [1] Fue nombrado Caballero de Bath después de la coronación de su sobrino.

  2. Sir Henry Seymour (c. 1503 – 5 April 1578) was an English landowner and MP, the brother of Jane Seymour, queen consort of Henry VIII, and consequently uncle to Edward VI. He was created a Knight of the Bath after his nephew's coronation.

  3. 24 de feb. de 2015 · Cuentan las crónicas que el cortejo fúnebre de la reina Jane Seymour estuvo encabezado por la princesa María, hija de su antecesora Catalina de Aragón, y a la que restituyó en el corazón del rey Enrique VIII.

  4. 30 de jun. de 2020 · The most recognizable Seymours at the court of Henry VIII were: Edward, Thomas, and Jane Seymour. Other than Elizabeth Seymour, who married Gregory, the son of Thomas Cromwell, there was another Seymour brother who occasionally spent time at court and is often overlooked, his name was Henry.

  5. Henry Seymour (17291805), a son of the 8th duke of Somerset's brother Francis, was elected to the House of Commons in 1763; in 1778 he went to France, and fixing his residence at Prunay, near Versailles, he became the lover of Madame du Barry, many of whose letters to him are preserved in Paris.

  6. Signer #75 is an oddity among the profiles completed thus far. A well-established elite, Henry Seymour is exactly the type of person one would expect to not be present in the signers' section of the Declaration of Sentimentsa quality which makes him all the more interesting.

  7. 11 de abr. de 2023 · Sir Henry Seymour (by 1503 - 5 April 1578) was an English politician. He was the brother of Queen Jane Seymour, the third wife of Henry VIII of England. He was thus the uncle of King Edward VI of England. Seymour was the son of Sir John Seymour and his wife, Margery Wentworth.