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  1. / ˈkʌm ˈbæk/ to return to a place. volver. When will you be coming back? ¿Cuándo volverás? came back home volvió a casa. Antónimo. go away. (of fact) to be remembered. volver a la memoria. I’m sure the number will come back to me. Estoy seguro de que el número me volverá a la memoria. to become popular or fashionable again. volver.

  2. Traduce come back. Mira 12 traducciones acreditadas de come back en español con oraciones de ejemplo y pronunciación de audio.

  3. Traducciones en contexto de "come back" en inglés-español de Reverso Context: come back with, come back for, come back in, come back from, come back home.

  4. come back vi phrasal. (return to success) (al éxito) volver ⇒ vi. In 2013, the pop singer came back with a best-selling album. En 2013, la cantante pop volvió con un álbum récord en ventas. come back to do [sth] v expr. (return in order to do [sth]) volver para vi + prep.

  5. Dr. Lin, take a moment and come back when you're ready. Dr. Lin, tome un momento y volver cuando esté listo. By all means, come back when you have a warrant. Por todos los medios, volver cuando usted tiene una orden. The condition may come back, even in people who receive treatment.

  6. come back. British. intransitive verb + adverb. 1. (= return) volver ⧫ regresar (Latin America) my brother is coming back tomorrow mi hermano vuelve mañana. would you like to come back for a cup of tea? ¿quieres volver a casa a tomar un té? to come back to what we were discussing ... volviendo a lo anterior ...

  7. to return to a place. volver. I'll come back and pick you up in half an hour. We've just come back from Amsterdam. Más ejemplos. When is Tom coming back from Ireland? I have to do a bit of shopping, but I'll come back later. I thought my rash had gone, but it seems to have come back.

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