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  1. Francesco Dandolo (died 1339) was the 52nd Doge of Venice. He ruled from 1329 to 1339. During his reign Venice began its policy of extending its territory on the Italian mainland.

  2. Andrea Dandolo (Venecia, c. 1307 - id., 1354), dux de 1343 a 1354, fue un hábil legislador y político, logrando imponerse a Génova, lo que le reportó un mayor control marítimo. En 1346 firmó un tratado con los turcos y recuperó Zara.

  3. Dandolo Family, an ancient Italian family distinguished in the history of Venice. It rose quickly to prominence when expansion from the lagoons to the mainland began. By the 11th century it was rich, and by the 12th (when the branches of San Luca, San Severo, and San Moisè can already be.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Francesco Dandolo (?-Venecia, 1339), que fue dux de 1329 a 1339, orientó la política veneciana hacia la expansión continental, propagando su territorio a costa de Martino Della Scala, señor de Verona.

  5. Francesco Dandolo (1258 circa – Venezia, 31 ottobre 1339) fu il 52º doge della Repubblica di Venezia dal 4 gennaio 1329 fino alla sua morte.

  6. Francesco Dandolo è laureato in Lettere Moderne con punteggio 110 e lode in data 17 giugno 1986 presso l’Università di Napoli “Federico II”, con una tesi in Storia contemporanea (relatore prof. Pasquale Villani) sugli aspetti economici e sociali a Napoli nel decennio postunitario. .

  7. Francesco Dandolo | Venipedia®. 52nd doge, in office from 1329 to 1339. Spread the word: Facebook Twitter Telegram WhatsApp. Already ambassador in Avignon to Pope Clement V first and John XXII later, he was the architect of the withdrawal of the interdict against the Republic (1311).