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  1. El Chevalier Paul (D621) es una de las dos fragatas n. 1 de la clase Horizon de la Marine Nationale, junto a la Forbin. 2 . Esta fragata fue construida por Horizon SAS (un joint venture ítalo-francés), colocándose la quilla en 2003. Fue botado el casco en 2006.

  2. Chevalier Paul is a Horizon-class frigate of the French Marine Nationale commissioned in June 2009, the third vessel of the French Navy named after the 17th century admiral Chevalier Paul.

    • Origins and Youth
    • Military Career
    • Missions in The Mediterranean
    • Viewed by Contemporaries
    • A Generous Man with The Disinherited
    • Honors and Posterity

    According to unconfirmed rumors, he was the son of a laundress and of Paul de Fortia, Marquis of Piles, governor of the Chateau d'If. However, Captain Georges Bourgoin, Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts in Marseille, discovered that Chevalier Paul was not the natural child of the Marquis and a washerwoman. He highlighted P...

    In service of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

    Several years later, Paul returned to Malta and served as a soldier at Fort Saint Elmo. In 1614, resenting his corporal, he challenged him to a duel and killed him. He was immediately arrested, but some French knights of the Order obtained pardon from the Grand Master Alof de Wignacourt, on condition that he leave the Order[note 1]. They made him embarque on an armed brigantine bound for commerce raiding at La Ciotat.


    On the brigantine, his courage and drive coupled with his natural nautical talent quickly caused him to be famed for his exploits against the Barbary Pirates. During combat against the Turks, the captain was killed and he was chosen by the crew to replace him[note 2]. From then on he declared war on the Turks. Wherever he could, he stole merchandise and even raided buildings within their ports. This considerably augmented Paul’s reputation. On the isle of Moscovici near Lesbos, he installed a...

    In the royal navy during the franco-spanish war

    Cardinal Richelieu at this time was searching for marine officers to reorganize the French royal navy. In 1638 Paul entered into the Royale with the rank of Capitaine de Vaisseau (captain) and took command of the vessel Le Neptune. He joined the squadron of Henry de Sourdis, Archbishop of Bordeaux and Lieutenant General of the naval armies, and took a leading role in many instances of combat against the Spanish fleet. Aboard La Licorne, he took part in the Battle of Getaria, 22 August 1638. R...

    In 1661, Paul fought using the lone vessel L’Hercule, which had 28 cannons and 320 crewmen, against 25 Turkish ships for an entire day. Despite being overwhelmed, Paul nevertheless managed to escape during the night. Chevalier Paul led the first relief force sent by Louis XIV to the Venetians who were under siege by the Turks at Candia. In 1662, he...

    The courtisan

    Louis XIV held Paul in high esteem and made him a noble. In 1660, while in Toulon, the king honored Paul by visiting him in his property “La Cassine”, in the company of his court. While present, the poets Chapelle and Bachaumont recorded what ensued during the royal visit.

    The visit of Louis XIV to the property of Chevalier Paul

    Source: “We found at Toulon, Monsieur Chevalier Paul, who, by his office, by his merit and by his expense, is the first and most considerable of the country. 1. 1.1. 1.1.1. It’s this Paul, which the experience 1.1.2. Greedy of the Sea and Wind; 1.1.3. Which the happiness and valiance 1.1.4. Made France formidable 1.1.5. To all the people of the Levant. These verses are as magnificent as his face; but, in truth, though it has something proud to it, does not fail to be convenient, soft and enti...

    Never forgetting his modest origins, he bequeathed to the poor the entirety of his belongings, and asked to be buried among them at the cemetery of Toulon. He enjoyed reminding people of this. The same Achard told the following anecdote:

    Three warships of the French navy have successively carried this prestigious name: 1. Chevalier Paul (1934-1941), a vauquelin-class destroyer 2. Chevalier Paul (D626) (1956-1971), an escorteur d’escadre type T 47 3. Chevalier Paul(D621), a horizon-class frigate entered into service 10 June 2011 The center of the Préparation Militaire Marine in Mars...

  3. Jean-Paul de Saumeur [1], chevalier Paul, né en décembre 1597 au large de Marseille et mort le 20 décembre 1667 à Toulon, est un officier de marine français du XVII e siècle. Malgré ses origines très modestes, il est attiré très jeune par la Marine.

  4. El Chevalier Paul (D621) es una de las dos fragatas de la clase Horizon de la Marine Nationale, junto a la Forbin.

  5. La fragata Chevalier Paul es una fragata de defensa aérea, barco gemelo de Forbin, de la clase Horizon de la Armada francesa . Su número de casco es D621. La misión principal de este tipo de buques es escoltar y proteger a un grupo de batalla de portaaviones formado alrededor de un portaaviones

  6. ( La Francesa DGA (Direction Générale de l´Armement) condujo el 13 de enero el proceso de disparo completo de un misil naval superficie-aire MBDA Aster 30 desde la fragata de defensa antiaérea D621 FS "Chevalier Paul".